Homebrew tap with various *OS related tools
- ldid
- libimobiledevice (installing with --HEAD is recommended)
- ideviceinstaller
- usbmuxd (installing with --HEAD is recommended)
- joker
- jtool
- simplistic (jlutil)
- fsmon
- futurerestore-s0uthwest -- version 231
- futurerestore -- version 156
- idevicerestore
- img4lib -- version 1.git-17
- img4tool -- version 118
- iokit-utils
- iometa -- version 1.3.0
- ios-kern-utils
- ldid2 -- version 2.0
- libfragmentzip -- version 45
- libipatcher -- version 47
- libirecovery
- partial-zip -- version 0.7
- partialzipbrowser -- version 32
- tsschecker-s0uthwest -- version 345
- tsschecker -- version 263
- unsign -- version 0.10
- Want some other package? File an issue :)