GTK+3.22 based theme that has Material Design elements and styled using the Arc colour palette.
The theme exists with light, darker and dark styling together with slim styled or standard title-bars.
The theme has been developed primarily for the Budgie Desktop.
Contributions are welcome for all desktop environments
- GPL-2.0-or-later
- SVG files are licensed under CC-BY-SA-4.0
- Gtk+-3.0 >= 3.22.0
- Gtk+-2.0 >= 2.24.30
- gtk2-engines-pixbuf >= 2.24.30
- gtk2-engines-murrine >= 0.98.1
- Budgie Desktop >= 10.4
Install the following packages using your package management system:
debian based
sudo apt install inkscape optipng gtk2-engines-pixbuf gtk2-engines-murrine git sassc make libglib2.0-dev-bin libxml2-utils
arch based
sudo pacman -S inkscape optipng git sassc make libxml2 gtk2 gtk3
Remove previous versions first:
sudo rm -rf /usr/share/themes/Pocillo*
Download and install Pocillo theme:
git clone
cd pocillo-gtk-theme
sudo make install
After cloning run a full make to generate all CSS files:
make all
For editing GTK+3, edit the .scss files and compile:
make gtk3
sudo make install
Alternatively - if just editing GTK+3 you can compile, install and apply the theme by running
Pocillo has been created from Pop GTK theme which itself is developed from Materia GTK theme; it inherits GNOME and XFCE styling elements from those projects.
- nana-4, the developer of Materia GTK theme
- System76 for the Pop GTK theme