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Releases: UnderminersTeam/UndertaleModTool

Bleeding Edge

14 Jul 14:15
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This is an automatically updating bleeding edge build of UndertaleModTool. There will be bugs! If you encounter any, please make an issue on GitHub or join the Underminers Discord for more help!

UndertaleModTool v0.5.1.0

05 May 17:11
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  • The dark mode setting (@VladiStep in #1141, #1221, #1273, #1336, #1342).
  • Tabs content state saving and restoring (tab sessions) (@VladiStep in #1152).
  • More ways of opening an object in a new tab (@VladiStep in #1232).
  • The "Find all references" feature and the new "Find" menu: (@VladiStep in #1246)[0]
    Allows you to search for references of any common type asset by right-clicking:
    - An asset in the main list
    - An object reference in the "Object definition" fields
    - A tile on the GMS 2 tileset image (@VladiStep in #1288)
    - A texture page item on the embedded texture image (@VladiStep in #1293)[0]
  • A support for the tile layer exported data (.csv) from "Tiled" (@VladiStep in #1280)[0].
  • A proper support for code with multiple functions (@Jacky720, @VladiStep in #1191).
  • Proper code editors for shaders (@VladiStep in #1294).
  • A support for sequence text tracks (GM 2022.2 - e.g. "Dono’s Tale") (@VladiStep in #1197).
  • New scripts - "SpriteOriginCopy.csx", "SpriteOriginCopy2_3.csx" (@fixdude in #1144).
  • A support for GM 2023.1 games (e.g. "HoloCure", "Alien XENOCIDE") (@VladiStep in #1206).
  • A support for some GMS 2.0 games (@VladiStep in #1205, #1329).
  • A support for GM 2023.2 games (and particle systems) - e.g "The Slormancer", "Nova Drift" (@VladiStep in #1238, #1353, #1361).
  • An indication for the sub-functions cache building on first decompilation and 3 minutes timeout for it (@VladiStep in #1241).
  • Proper sequence model names for debugging and the "Find all reference" results (@VladiStep in #1254).
  • A support for games with room path layers (@VladiStep in #1256, #1268).
  • A possibility to delete room objects through context menu (@zivmaor, @VladiStep in #1301).
  • The "Run other script..." option on missing "Scripts" folder (@VladiStep in #1364).
  • An option to export one sprite with padding (@VladiStep in #1367).



  • The version flags cleanup and proper GM(S) version in the title (@Jacky720, @Miepee, @VladiStep in #1047; @VladiStep in #1213).
  • Game data loading is noticeably faster and uses less RAM (@VladiStep in #1161).
  • Made the embedded texture image zoomable and more interactable (@VladiStep in #1293)[1].
  • A lot of the font editor improvements: (@VladiStep in #1328, #1331, #1332, #1346)
    - Added the red marker for the selected glyph, made the font texture clickable.
    - Made the glyphs table show and accept actual characters.
    ... and more! See the PR description.
  • Disabled room layers are highlighted with gray color (@VladiStep in #1201).
  • The "Timestamp" value (in "General info") is in human-readable format (@VladiStep in #1226).
  • An optimization of the "" file context menu options - e.g. "Run game normally" (@VladiStep in #1245).
  • An optimization of "ExportAllCode2_3.csx" script (@VladiStep in #1239).
  • Room object names improvements (@VladiStep in #1246)[2].
  • Made the room instance layer objects resolving safer - adds a support for a "Pizza Tower D3 v3.1" mod and "Heroine Conquest" (@VladiStep in #1266, #1299).
  • Made the GMS debugger related things more distinguishable from the debug mode in some games; the GMS debugger file option is hidden by default (@VladiStep in #1330).
  • Improved the object reference fields clarity (@VladiStep in #1363).

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

The CLI version has been moved to the Bleeding Edge release, if you need command line tools get it there, otherwise select "".

UndertaleModTool v0.5.0.0

02 Feb 19:14
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The long awaited UndertaleModTool v0.5.0.0 is here! There are many many changes since the previous version. That should make sense since it has been about a year. Well, lets get started!

Go to the bottom to get the download.




15 Mar 20:38
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UndertaleModTool v0.4.0.4 has support for the newest Deltarune update. It can also do decompiled editing of code scripts for GMS 2.3+.

General changes:

  • Fixed version detection for older games

Room editor changes:

  • GMS 2 sprite instances and (basic) tile layers support.
  • Fixed horizontal/vertical lines between tiles.
  • Backgrounds and background layers are now working properly.
  • Re-added "Save as PNG" button.
  • Fixed room object selection (always opens clicked object properties).
  • Following features now work with GMS 2 games: drawing with room object, room object order changing (with + or - key), automatic grid size calculation.
  • When selected room object is not in the currently displayed room region, it shows that object by scrolling to it.

Other changes:

  • Fixed various memory leaks.
  • Fixed and optimized "ExportAllRoomsToPng.csx" script.
  • Optimized font editor, so it opens faster.

All files in this release are for x64 computers and includes .NET bundled (no install necessary). This release contains UndertaleModTool single file, UndertaleModTool non-single file, and UndertaleModCLI. If you are encountering strange issues or glitches with the regular single file version, use the non-single file version (abbreviated to NSF).

24 Feb 15:29
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UndertaleModTool v0.4.0.3 has support for the newest Deltarune update. It can also do decompiled editing of code scripts for GMS 2.3+.

All files in this release are for x64 computers and includes .NET bundled (no install necessary). This release contains UndertaleModTool single file, UndertaleModTool non-single file, and UndertaleModCLI. If you are encountering strange issues or glitches with the regular single file version, use the non-single file version (abbreviated to NSF).

05 Jan 21:28
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UndertaleModTool v0.4.0.2 has much better support for newer games in general and many new features.

All files in this release are for x64 computers and includes .NET bundled (no install necessary). This release contains UndertaleModTool single file, UndertaleModTool non-single file, and UndertaleModCLI. If you are encountering strange issues or glitches with the regular single file version, use the non-single file version (abbreviated to NSF).

You can use CTRL+K to compile decompiled code you are editing without clicking out of the editor window.



  • Added UndertaleModCLI.
  • Added "NewTextureRepacker.csx".
  • Added "SearchLimited.csx" (Search for terms within a limited code scope).
  • Added "SearchASM.csx" (Search disassembly for text).
  • Added "UndertaleRunButton.csx" (allows you to running faster in Undertale using the backspace button).
  • Added "ScaleAllTextures.csx" (upscale or downscale all textures in a game).
  • Added "SafeBlaster.csx" (make the Gaster Blaster more easily moddable into more battles).
  • Add a README.txt file, additional opt out of file associations are available.
  • Added "ExportAllTexturesGrouped.csx" (exports textures by texture group).
  • Added "UndertaleDialogSimulator.csx", mod by Lil'Alien (thank you).


  • Implemented FEDS chunk.
  • Added support for new QOI+BZip2 image format.
  • Allow opening files by drag and dropping them onto the window.
  • Added (dis)assembler support for nullish operator.
  • Changed all tab characters to 4 spaces.
  • UndertaleModLib is now buildable into a Nuget package.
  • Preserve temp file to mitigate data loss.
  • Added a "Don't show me this again" option to the GMS 2.3 warning.

Decompiler Improvements:

  • Rudimentary 2.3 (de)compiler fixes
  • 2D array get/set fix
  • "with (other)" + duplicate fixes
  • Fixed decompiler fails on switch statements with conditionals.
  • Fixed other objects' array "+=".
  • Fixed stacktop/ternary operator combo decompilation.
  • Fixed a typo TempVarAssigmentStatement => TempVarAssignmentStatement.
  • Resolved local variable problems causing slowdown with AM2R modding and other games.
  • Change type resolution rules in ExpressionConstant.ToString().

General search and script improvements:

  • Improved speed of search scripts.
    • Code searching can be accelerated even more by enabling the code caching feature in Settings.
  • Optimized script progress updating.
  • New "ClickableTextOutput" window allows clicking on the code names for the search scripts.
  • Improved scripts error handling, including line numbers.
  • Use of the main UI after Search script results is now allowed.
  • Added support for Scripts and GlobalScripts in "DumpSpecificCode.csx".
  • Truncated exception output in general.
  • Added "SyncBinding()" for possibilty to add/remove game resources from another thread.

Bug Fixes:

  • Old scripts are now backwards compatible.
  • Fixed error where certain text causes hard crash of tool.
  • Fixed crash when attempting to run a new game using temp run feature
  • Fixed erroneous attempt to write to protected areas using ImportGraphics.
  • Fixed bugs in "EnableDebug.csx".
  • Fixed regex error in "ExecutionOrder.csx"
  • Fixed "DeltaruneClearShaderData.csx" to mitigate crashes.
  • Fixed long file name issues in scripts.
  • Adding a code entry from the context menu no longer crashes the app.
  • Fixed "Delete" in the context menu of code entries.

07 Oct 04:30
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UndertaleModTool v0.4.0.1 has much better support for Deltarune Chapter 2.

Release 1 of 0.4.0

18 Sep 19:33
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This version can load and save Deltarune Chapter 2 to disk successfully.

Prerelease 3 of 0.4.0

24 Jul 19:48
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Prerelease 3 of 0.4.0 Pre-release

This is the third prerelease of version 0.4.0 of UndertaleModTool.



  • Added "FindObjectsInRooms.csx".
  • Added unused sound remover scripts.
  • Added copying scripts for sprites, backgrounds, fonts, sounds, and game objects.
  • Added WASD for Undertale (thanks Lil Alien).


  • UndertaleModTool scripts have been reorganized and streamlined.
  • "@@other@@" and "@@this@@" now resolve to "other" and "self".
  • Added warnings for saving/loading with the GMS debugger enabled.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed audiogroup loading/handling and add Data.AudioGroups.ByName().
  • Fixed asset resolution for some scripts and variables.
  • Disabled DebugMsg.csx for now as it doesn't seem to work properly.
  • Allowed saving of data files of up to ~2GB in size.
  • Updated NAudio to 2.0.1, fixing a crash in .NET 5.0.7.

Why 0.4.0 is split into a pre-release

Before the full release of 0.4.0, we aim to finish implementing dark mode (see the dark-mode branch) as well as solidify the profile system. But for now, we thought it would be a good idea to make the current feature set available for general usage.

Before you run

It's important to note that the .NET version that UndertaleModTool uses has been upgraded to .NET 5.0. This means you may need to download the .NET 5.0 Desktop Runtime, at Make sure this is the same architecture as the version of the tool you download; for instance, if you choose x86 for this tool, make sure you download the x86 runtime. If this does not work, please use the "NetBundled" versions of the tools, which do not require installing the net runtime.

Also, since this is a pre-release, it may have some instability. Please report those issues, should you encounter any.

Prerelease 2 of 0.4.0

21 Jun 17:27
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Prerelease 2 of 0.4.0 Pre-release

This is the second prerelease of version 0.4.0 of UndertaleModTool.


  • Fixed an error in ImportAllStrings which caused the safety checks to always fail, also the safety checks in general are more descriptive, and it is also now profile-mode friendly.
  • Added the ReapplyProfileCode helper function.
  • Fixed some asset resolutions and some asset resolver improvements.
  • Searches of no size are now prevented with Search.csx.
  • Added bytecode 16 to 17 conversion script.
  • DeltaHATE.csx now has preliminary support for Undertale as well.
  • Created ReduceEmbeddedTexturePages.csx (experimental and may be buggy).
  • DumpSpecificCode has been fixed to dump only from the objects specified rather than any that share the name.
  • Added a script to simplify the battlegroup script in Undertale.
  • Added a toggle to disable the closing warning.
  • Fixed syntax highlighter for GM:S 1 to not recognize backslashes as escapes.
  • Updated incorrect wiki link.
  • Renamed "ExportAllTexturesWithPadding" to "ExportAllSpritesWithPadding".
  • Fixes an issue that caused games to not load when variables were added or changed.
  • Add VariableFixer script to fix a bug that prevents the game from loading.
  • Intertool communication with AUMI (by Archie).
  • Add the ability to run and/or lint a UndertaleModTool script within a script.
  • DefaultCodeKind flag in General Info was renamed to be more clear about its purpose.
  • Added new string utility scripts made by Porog.
  • ExportAllSprites.csx and ExportAllSpritesWithPadding.csx now have descriptions in the readme.
  • Added script to restore missing code locals.
  • Fixed an error causing multiple files to be erroneously bundled inside UMT instead of being external

Why 0.4.0 is split into a pre-release

Before the full release of 0.4.0, we aim to finish implementing dark mode (see the dark-mode branch) as well as solidify the profile system. But for now, we thought it would be a good idea to make the current feature set available for general usage.

Before you run

It's important to note that the .NET version that UndertaleModTool uses has been upgraded to .NET 5.0. This means you may need to download the .NET 5.0 Desktop Runtime, at Make sure this is the same architecture as the version of the tool you download; for instance, if you choose x86 for this tool, make sure you download the x86 runtime.

Also, since this is a pre-release, it may have some instability. Please report those issues, should you encounter any.