Based on the scriptable project by maboesanman on WaniKani. Be sure to go thank them for creating this!
I thought it was a really cool project that deserved to have an Android version, since Scriptable is iOS only.
Import the durtles_profile.prf.xml profile into Tasker (Import button is accessed by tapping the Profiles tab whilst viewing profiles).
Navigate to the tasks tab. Click on the "Update Wallpaper" task, and adjust the following actions:
Place the updatewallpaper.js file into the tasker folder in your internal storage (This is the default path). Alternatively, place the script in your desired location and adjust the filepath:
Set the api_key variable to your WaniKani V2 API key:
Optionally, you can set the buffers to any amount in pixels, if your phone has curved edges or anything else that may obscure your view of the wallpaper. This can be adjusted in the variable screen_buf, values are comma separated. Take care not to include spaces. Order is top, bottom, left, right.
Here is an example. Below is with the buffer values all set to 0.
And here is the wallpaper with the top and bottom buffers set to 500, and the left and right set to 200.
You can also change the "Set Wallpaper" action to change your home screen, or both wallpapers if you wish.
Aside from deleting the task, profile and script, there is a folder that will be generated to store your WaniKani data, as well as the most recently created wallpaper. The folder is called wkcache and is placed in the root of your internal storage. I may add a variable so this can be customised later.
The only thing I wish to improve right now is the font, but please raise an issue if you want to ask for a feature.