Changes since v0.7.6.2-beta
- Using Avalonia UI Framework (https://avaloniaui.net/) instead WinForms from now on.
- Change target .NET framework to dotnet-6.0 (https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/6.0)
- Linux and MacOS (latter one still untested) support
- Split GUI and core functionality
Changes since v0.7.5.6
- Make stream detection more reliable; Trying to work around mastering problems, where a playlist can reference multiple stream files with different stream types for same ID
- Fix file filter in the ISO selection dialog (regression from previous version) (addresses #27)
- Fix file size column naming in the playlist window
- Make AVC and HEVC stream parsing more reliable by respecting the emulation prevention bytes (addresses #16)
- Fix report file writing when ISO Disc Label contains non-safe characters (#35)
- Fix incorrect frame counts in reports / graph (regression, #34)
- Do not fail scan on Disc meta XML file reading (#29)
- Improve bitrate calculation for the rare cases when consecutive packet timestamps are not increasing
- Correctly detect MPEG2 audio streams
- Add support for AAC audio streams (#25)
- Fix reporting wrong video bitrate (regression, addresses #24, #21, #36)
- Some tweaking to the reports formatting
- Add PGS Subtitle parsing (Resolution + Caption count, on full scan only)
- Fix reporting correct AVC profiles and levels
- Fix reporting correct HEVC levels
- Fix reporting wrong mastering color information in some cases
- Add missing HEVC frame type reporting (also fixes avg frame size calculation)
- some more code fixes
- Some more tweaking to the reports formatting
- Fix slow initial stream reading (#37)