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Call entityManager.flush() on every entityManager usage and dynam…
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…ically remove failing `UtStatementCallModel`s (#2550)

* Introduce deep `UtModel` mapper

* Add `flush` after every `entityManager` usage

* Move setting up Spring specific RD responses to `SpringUtExecutionInstrumentation`

* Remove unused `getBean` rd call

* Dynamically remove failing `UtStatementModel`s

* Comment out unsafe class loading of `javax.servlet.http.Cookie` (until #2542 is fixed)

* Avoid `mockMvc.perform((RequestBuilder) null)` tests

* Address comments from #2550

* Clarify that we discard `mockMvc.perform((RequestBuilder) null)` test
  • Loading branch information
IlyaMuravjov authored Aug 25, 2023
1 parent 1931f26 commit f9c9534
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Showing 27 changed files with 592 additions and 315 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -55,6 +55,9 @@ import
import kotlin.contracts.ExperimentalContracts
import kotlin.contracts.contract
import org.utbot.common.isAbstract
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.mapper.UtModelMapper
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.mapper.mapPreservingType
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.util.SpringModelUtils
import org.utbot.framework.process.OpenModulesContainer
import soot.SootMethod
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -767,15 +770,15 @@ abstract class UtCustomModel(
modelName: String = id.toString(),
override val origin: UtCompositeModel? = null,
) : UtModelWithCompositeOrigin(id, classId, modelName, origin) {
abstract val dependencies: Collection<UtModel>
abstract fun shallowMap(mapper: UtModelMapper): UtCustomModel

object UtSpringContextModel : UtCustomModel(
id = null,
classId = SpringModelUtils.applicationContextClassId,
modelName = "applicationContext"
) {
override val dependencies: Collection<UtModel> get() = emptySet()
override fun shallowMap(mapper: UtModelMapper) = this

// NOTE that overriding equals is required just because without it
// we will lose equality for objects after deserialization
Expand All @@ -789,7 +792,7 @@ class UtSpringEntityManagerModel : UtCustomModel(
classId = SpringModelUtils.entityManagerClassIds.first(),
modelName = "entityManager"
) {
override val dependencies: Collection<UtModel> get() = emptySet()
override fun shallowMap(mapper: UtModelMapper) = this

// NOTE that overriding equals is required just because without it
// we will lose equality for objects after deserialization
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -820,7 +823,10 @@ data class UtSpringMockMvcResultActionsModel(
id = id,
modelName = "mockMvcResultActions@$id"
) {
override val dependencies: Collection<UtModel> get() = emptySet()
override fun shallowMap(mapper: UtModelMapper) = copy(
origin = origin?.mapPreservingType<UtCompositeModel>(mapper),
model = model?.map(mapper)

Expand Down
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@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
package org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.mapper

import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtArrayModel
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtAssembleModel
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtClassRefModel
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtCompositeModel
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtCustomModel
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtEnumConstantModel
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtLambdaModel
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtModel
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtNullModel
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtPrimitiveModel
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtReferenceModel
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtVoidModel

* Performs deep mapping of [UtModel]s.
* - [shallowMapper] is invoked on models **before** mapping their sub models.
* - [shallowMapper] is responsible for caching own results (it may be called repeatedly on same models).
class UtModelDeepMapper private constructor(
private val shallowMapper: UtModelMapper
) : UtModelMapper {
constructor(shallowMapper: (UtModel) -> UtModel) : this(UtModelSafeCastingCachingShallowMapper(shallowMapper))

* Keys are models that have been shallowly mapped by [shallowMapper].
* Values are models that have been deeply mapped by this [UtModelDeepMapper].
* Models are only associated with models of the same type (i.e. the cache type is actually `MutableMap<T, T>`)
private val cache = mutableMapOf<UtModel, UtModel>()

private val allInputtedModels get() = cache.keys
private val allOutputtedModels get() = cache.values

override fun <T : UtModel> map(model: T, clazz: Class<T>): T =
clazz.cast(mapNestedModels(, clazz)))

* Maps models contained inside [model], but not the [model] itself.
private fun mapNestedModels(model: UtModel): UtModel = cache.getOrPut(model) {
when (model) {
is UtNullModel,
is UtPrimitiveModel,
is UtEnumConstantModel,
is UtClassRefModel,
is UtVoidModel -> model
is UtArrayModel -> mapNestedModels(model)
is UtCompositeModel -> mapNestedModels(model)
is UtLambdaModel -> mapNestedModels(model)
is UtAssembleModel -> mapNestedModels(model)
is UtCustomModel -> mapNestedModels(model)

// PythonModel, JsUtModel may be here
else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("UtModel $this cannot be mapped")

private fun mapNestedModels(model: UtArrayModel): UtReferenceModel {
val mappedModel = UtArrayModel(
id =,
classId = model.classId,
length = model.length,
constModel = model.constModel,
stores = model.stores,
cache[model] = mappedModel

mappedModel.constModel =

return mappedModel

private fun mapNestedModels(model: UtCompositeModel): UtCompositeModel {
val mappedModel = UtCompositeModel(
id =,
classId = model.classId,
isMock = model.isMock,
cache[model] = mappedModel

mappedModel.mocks.putAll(model.mocks.mapValuesTo(mutableMapOf()) { it.value.mapModels(this@UtModelDeepMapper) })

return mappedModel

private fun mapNestedModels(model: UtLambdaModel): UtReferenceModel = UtLambdaModel(
id =,
samType = model.samType,
declaringClass = model.declaringClass,
lambdaName = model.lambdaName,
capturedValues = model.capturedValues.mapModels(this@UtModelDeepMapper).toMutableList()

private fun mapNestedModels(model: UtAssembleModel): UtReferenceModel = UtAssembleModel(
id =,
classId = model.classId,
modelName = model.modelName,
instantiationCall = model.instantiationCall.mapModels(this),
modificationsChainProvider = {
cache[model] = this@UtAssembleModel { it.mapModels(this@UtModelDeepMapper) }
origin = model.origin?.mapPreservingType<UtCompositeModel>(this)

private fun mapNestedModels(model: UtCustomModel): UtReferenceModel =

companion object {
* Creates identity deep mapper, runs [block] on it, and returns the set of all models that
* were mapped (i.e. deeply collects all models reachable from models passed to `collector`).
fun collectAllModels(block: (collector: UtModelDeepMapper) -> Unit): Set<UtModel> =
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.mapper

import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtCompositeModel
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtModel
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtModelWithCompositeOrigin

interface UtModelMapper {
* Performs depending on the implementation deep or shallow mapping of the [model].
* In some cases (e.g. when mapping [UtModelWithCompositeOrigin.origin]) you may want to get result
* of some specific type (e.g. [UtCompositeModel]), only then you should specify specific value for [clazz].
* NOTE: if you are fine with result model and [model] having different types, then you should
* use `` as a value for [clazz] or just use [].
fun <T : UtModel> map(model: T, clazz: Class<T>): T
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.mapper

import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtModel

object UtModelNoopMapper : UtModelMapper {
override fun <T : UtModel> map(model: T, clazz: Class<T>): T = model
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
package org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.mapper

import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtModel

class UtModelSafeCastingCachingShallowMapper(
val mapper: (UtModel) -> UtModel
) : UtModelMapper {
private val cache = mutableMapOf<UtModel, UtModel>()

override fun <T : UtModel> map(model: T, clazz: Class<T>): T {
val mapped = cache.getOrPut(model) { mapper(model) }
return if (clazz.isInstance(mapped)) clazz.cast(mapped)
else model
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@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
package org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.mapper

import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.EnvironmentModels
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtDirectGetFieldModel
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtDirectSetFieldModel
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtExecutableCallModel
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtExecution
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtInstrumentation
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtModel
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtNewInstanceInstrumentation
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtReferenceModel
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtStatementCallModel
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtStatementModel
import org.utbot.framework.plugin.api.UtStaticMethodInstrumentation

inline fun <reified T : UtModel> T.mapPreservingType(mapper: UtModelMapper): T =,

fun UtModelMapper) = mapPreservingType<UtModel>(mapper)

fun List<UtModel>.mapModels(mapper: UtModelMapper): List<UtModel> =
map { model -> }

fun <K> Map<K, UtModel>.mapModelValues(mapper: UtModelMapper): Map<K, UtModel> =
mapValues { (_, model) -> }

fun UtStatementModel.mapModels(mapper: UtModelMapper): UtStatementModel =
when(this) {
is UtStatementCallModel -> mapModels(mapper)
is UtDirectSetFieldModel -> UtDirectSetFieldModel(
instance = instance.mapPreservingType<UtReferenceModel>(mapper),
fieldId = fieldId,
fieldModel =

fun UtStatementCallModel.mapModels(mapper: UtModelMapper): UtStatementCallModel =
when(this) {
is UtDirectGetFieldModel -> UtDirectGetFieldModel(
instance = instance.mapPreservingType<UtReferenceModel>(mapper),
fieldAccess = fieldAccess,
is UtExecutableCallModel -> UtExecutableCallModel(
instance = instance?.mapPreservingType<UtReferenceModel>(mapper),
executable = executable,
params = params.mapModels(mapper)

fun EnvironmentModels.mapModels(mapper: UtModelMapper) = EnvironmentModels(
thisInstance = thisInstance?.map(mapper),
statics = statics.mapModelValues(mapper),
parameters = parameters.mapModels(mapper),
executableToCall = executableToCall,

fun UtInstrumentation.mapModels(mapper: UtModelMapper) = when (this) {
is UtNewInstanceInstrumentation -> copy(instances = instances.mapModels(mapper))
is UtStaticMethodInstrumentation -> copy(values = values.mapModels(mapper))

fun UtExecution.mapStateBeforeModels(mapper: UtModelMapper) = copy(
stateBefore = stateBefore.mapModels(mapper)
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Expand Up @@ -69,6 +69,17 @@ object SpringModelUtils {

val flushMethodIdOrNull: MethodId?
get() {
return MethodId(
classId = entityManagerClassIds.firstOrNull() ?: return null,
name = "flush",
returnType = voidClassId,
parameters = listOf(),
bypassesSandbox = true // TODO may be we can use some alternative sandbox that has more permissions

val detachMethodIdOrNull: MethodId?
get() {
return MethodId(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,12 +193,13 @@ object SpringModelUtils {
parameters = listOf(httpHeaderClassId)

private val mockHttpServletCookieMethodId = MethodId(
classId = mockHttpServletRequestBuilderClassId,
name = "cookie",
returnType = mockHttpServletRequestBuilderClassId,
parameters = listOf(getArrayClassIdByElementClassId(cookieClassId))
// // TODO uncomment when #2542 is fixed
// private val mockHttpServletCookieMethodId = MethodId(
// classId = mockHttpServletRequestBuilderClassId,
// name = "cookie",
// returnType = mockHttpServletRequestBuilderClassId,
// parameters = listOf(getArrayClassIdByElementClassId(cookieClassId))
// )

private val mockHttpServletContentTypeMethodId = MethodId(
classId = mockHttpServletRequestBuilderClassId,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -376,9 +388,10 @@ object SpringModelUtils {
val headersContentModel = createHeadersContentModel(methodId, arguments, idGenerator)
requestBuilderModel = addHeadersToRequestBuilderModel(headersContentModel, requestBuilderModel, idGenerator)

val cookieValuesModel = createCookieValuesModel(methodId, arguments, idGenerator)
requestBuilderModel =
addCookiesToRequestBuilderModel(cookieValuesModel, requestBuilderModel, idGenerator)
// // TODO uncomment when #2542 is fixed
// val cookieValuesModel = createCookieValuesModel(methodId, arguments, idGenerator)
// requestBuilderModel =
// addCookiesToRequestBuilderModel(cookieValuesModel, requestBuilderModel, idGenerator)

val requestAttributes = collectArgumentsWithAnnotationModels(methodId, requestAttributesClassId, arguments)
requestBuilderModel =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -455,28 +468,29 @@ object SpringModelUtils {
return requestBuilderModel

private fun addCookiesToRequestBuilderModel(
cookieValuesModel: UtArrayModel,
requestBuilderModel: UtAssembleModel,
idGenerator: () -> Int
): UtAssembleModel {
var requestBuilderModel = requestBuilderModel

if(cookieValuesModel.length > 0) {
requestBuilderModel = UtAssembleModel(
id = idGenerator(),
classId = mockHttpServletRequestBuilderClassId,
modelName = "requestBuilder",
instantiationCall = UtExecutableCallModel(
instance = requestBuilderModel,
executable = mockHttpServletCookieMethodId,
params = listOf(cookieValuesModel)
return requestBuilderModel
// // TODO uncomment when #2542 is fixed
// private fun addCookiesToRequestBuilderModel(
// cookieValuesModel: UtArrayModel,
// requestBuilderModel: UtAssembleModel,
// idGenerator: () -> Int
// ): UtAssembleModel {
// @Suppress("NAME_SHADOWING")
// var requestBuilderModel = requestBuilderModel
// if(cookieValuesModel.length > 0) {
// requestBuilderModel = UtAssembleModel(
// id = idGenerator(),
// classId = mockHttpServletRequestBuilderClassId,
// modelName = "requestBuilder",
// instantiationCall = UtExecutableCallModel(
// instance = requestBuilderModel,
// executable = mockHttpServletCookieMethodId,
// params = listOf(cookieValuesModel)
// )
// )
// }
// return requestBuilderModel
// }

private fun addHeadersToRequestBuilderModel(
headersContentModel: UtAssembleModel,
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -135,6 +135,6 @@ data class CgMethodTestSet(
return substituteExecutions(symbolicExecutionsWithoutMocking)

private fun substituteExecutions(newExecutions: List<UtExecution>): CgMethodTestSet =
fun substituteExecutions(newExecutions: List<UtExecution>): CgMethodTestSet =
copy().apply { executions = newExecutions }

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