At 59 minutes past the hour, decides what four actions to do
These are three selector commands (or do nothing) and yes/no to a studio check
Checks at -31 seconds it has stuff to do
Does stuff at XX:59:45, YY:00:00 and YY:02:02 based on the three selector commands (can be do nothing)
If neccesary, does a check to make sure WS isn't on air
- Copy
- Test with
go test -v
- OBShows is an array of timeslot IDs (integers) that will be considered to be a Source 4 OB by the software
- autoNewsRequests has JSON objects of timeslotID, autoNewsStart and autoNewsEnd to control autonews manually for non WS shows
- Updates to
should be reflected in the structs towards the start ofthonkyBoi.go
- The config file path is a
at the start ofthonkyBoi.go
- Imports, Constants, Structs
- checkAutonews
- checkTimeSoon
- checkOB
- checkWS
- Decisioning
- main
- Start Logging
- MyRadio and WebStudio API Calls
- Catch-All Statements
- Determining bools for next sources and autonewses and the 3 transitions and studioCheck (Decisioning)
- Logging Plan, and -31 Seconds Readiness Check
- Running the Commands
returns (from myradio-go
) myradio.Show
structs, rather than timeslots. This annoyed me when I found this out, because I had (seemingly) coded all of this wrong. But it turns out, the Show
's ID in C.a.N. isn't the Show ID, but is instead the timeslot ID. So, this code works, even if the API is questionable.