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joshua255 edited this page Oct 6, 2019 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the URSABB wiki!


Part Details Status
esp32 tested on URSA0
2 stepper motors and a4988 stepper drivers tested on URSA0
9DOF orientation sensor specific component TBD untested
raspberry pi 2B connects to display
pi screen 7" touch working (even rotated)
pi camera IR sensitive untested
arm servos 270° rotation for self righting esp32 has working servo output
camera tilt servo esp32 has working servo output
LEDs 12 neopixel ring tested incompatible with esp32
frame sawed and lasercut CAD in progress

Software Features

esp32 basic control framework

esp32 driving modes: segway, park, outrigger drive (pathfinding?), magnetic orientation

pi camera driver stream

pi camera image processing (beacon following)

pi displays animated face responding to esp32 cues

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