Hello, i made discord bot with slash commands to work with FiveGuard Systems.
If you're looking for a feature-packed server management bot, you can check it out here!
- Ban
- Ban Info
- Ban List
- Kick
- Record Screen
- Revive
- Screenshot
- Unban
- Aimbot Auto Bans (use only if aimbot isn't false banning players)
If you need help with the bot you can open a ticket here
- Used disallowed intents
1 Go here.
2 Select your Application and click Bot category.
3 Turn on these three options
4 Restart the Bot. - Slash commands doesn't show
Make sure you click CTRL + R on discord and commands should appear
- Bot Token (token from discord.com/developers/applications)
- FiveGuard resource
- Server Status (shows your current player count in the bot Activity)
- Discord Permissions (You need to configure which role will have access to the Command)
- Translation
- Fiveguard Permissions (if you want to use Discord Roles with Fiveguard Permissions)
- Revive Command (remember to change your revive trigger in Fivem/server.lua file)
- Go to https://discord.com/developers/applications and get your bot Token
- Put your token in config.json
- Add ensure Fiveguard_Discordbot to your server.cfg
- Done!
if you want to use in game permissions, put your discord role id here:
if you want to add another role that has (for example) only access to : BypassNoclip, BypassThermalVision, BypassOCR, BypassNuiDevtools do this: