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A simplistic, opinionated remote update server implementing hawkBit™'s DDI API.

Quick Start


  1. Install dependencies using Poetry:

    poetry install
  2. Create the database:

    poetry run aerich upgrade
  3. Launch gooseBit:


Initial Configuration

Before running gooseBit for the first time, update the default credentials in settings.yaml. The default login for testing purposes is:


  • Devices use SWUpdate for managing software updates.


Device Registry

When a device connects to gooseBit for the first time, it is automatically added to the device registry. The server will then request the device's configuration data, including:

  • hw_model and hw_revision: Used to match compatible software.
  • sw_version: Indicates the currently installed software version.

The registry tracks each device's status, including the last online timestamp, installed software version, update state, and more.

Software Repository

Software packages (*.swu files) can be hosted directly on the gooseBit server or on an external server. gooseBit parses the software metadata to determine compatibility with specific hardware models and revisions.

Device Update Modes

Devices can be configured with different update modes. The default mode is Rollout.

1. Manual Update to Specified Software

Assign specific software to a device manually. Once installed, no further updates will be triggered.

2. Automatic Update to Latest Software

Automatically updates the device to the latest compatible software, based on the reported hw_model and hw_revision. Note: versions are interpreted as SemVer versions.

3. Software Rollout

Rollouts target all devices with a specified "feed" value, ensuring that the assigned software is installed on all matching devices. Rollouts also track success and error rates, with future plans for automatic aborts. If multiple rollouts exist for the same feed, the most recent rollout takes precedence.

Pause Updates

Devices can be pinned to their current software version, preventing any updates from being applied.

Real-time Update Logs

While updates are in progress, gooseBit captures real-time logs, which are accessible through the device repository.



Create or upgrade database

poetry run aerich upgrade

After a model change create the migration

poetry run aerich migrate

To seed some sample data (attention: drops all current data) use

poetry run generate-sample-data

Code formatting and linting

Code is formatted using different tools

  • black and isort for *.py
  • biomejs for *.js, *.json
  • prettier for *.html, *.md, *.yml, *.yaml

Code is linted using different tools as well

  • flake8 for *.py
  • biomejs for *.js

Best to have pre-commit install git hooks that run all those tools before a commit:

poetry run pre-commit install

To manually apply the hooks to all files use:

pre-commit run --all-files


Tests are implemented using pytest. To run all tests

poetry run pytest


The structure of gooseBit is as follows:

  • api: Files for the API.
  • ui: Files for the UI.
    • bff: Backend for frontend API.
    • static: Static files.
    • templates: Jinja2 formatted templates.
    • nav: Navbar handler.
  • updater: DDI API handler and device update manager.
  • updates: SWUpdate file parsing.
  • realtime: Realtime API functionality with websockets.
  • auth: Authentication functions and permission handling.
  • models: Database models.
  • db: Database config and initialization.
  • schema: Pydantic models used for API type hinting.
  • settings: Settings loader and handler.
  • telemetry: Telemetry data handlers.
  • routes: Routes for a giving endpoint, including the router.