[5d65517 ]: individual hazard logic no errors (Rory) #153
[28eceeb ]: Merge branch 'master' into individual-hazard-opencl (Rory) #153
[d7008b5 ]: update snapshot params properly (Rory) #153
[ae552fc ]: pre-multiply location hazards (Rory) #153
[e384b50 ]: pass asymptomatic rate (Rory) #153
[1b2ea01 ]: add test for asymptomatic, currently failing (Rory) #153
[9cb3fd0 ]: use update params function (Rory) #153
[ea0762f ]: change expected proportion asymptomatic (Rory) #153
[31bc027 ]: hazards test pass (Rory) #153
[c3c879d ]: don't have default asympt_hazard value (Rory) #153
[c7949ef ]: remove printf statements (Rory) #153
[f0fd7cb ]: better descriptive comment (Rory) #153
[4b0f7b8 ]: update snapshot params correctly in jupyter notebook (Rory) #153
[650d211 ]: now always save workers cache file (Nick Malleson) #158
[5b7b778 ]: set use cache to true by default (Nick Malleson)
[83e4488 ]: add test for lognormal dist (Rory) #157
[04c4f11 ]: removed function to cache the workplaces as cacheing is now done for the individuals and activity locations separately so it was unnecessary (Nick Malleson) #158
add print lines #158 (Nick Malleson )
[b46277b ]: Merge branch 'master' into nickmalleson-issue-154-_minor_save_workplaces_if_no-cache_is_true (Nick Malleson) #158
[d69e91c ]: Merge branch 'master' into lognormal-dist-opencl (Rory) #157
[0439681 ]: use randn not rand (Rory) #157
[19136d5 ]: don't test kurtosis (Rory) #157
[4fda929 ]: change default infection lognormal param values (Rory) #157
[cce2511 ]: minor (Nick Malleson) #158
[b3929df ]: removed use_cache population argument from tests (Nick Malleson) #158
[3b7e0de ]: catch an error that is caused if the parameters change between snapshots and warn about it (Nick Malleson) #158
[340dde3 ]: pass obesity and other health data as buffers (Rory) #161
[d8c7543 ]: Merge branch 'master' into obesity-opencl (Rory) #161
[cd764e3 ]: obesity kernel logic (Rory) #161
[23c21f0 ]: fix errors in snapshot test (Rory) #161
[da4efae ]: all tests pass (Rory) #161
[9ad8cc0 ]: tests successful (Rory) #161
[30deabf ]: update model design doc (Rory) #161
[068da9b ]: increase mode tolerance (Rory) #161
[ae6de60 ]: add switch to healthier population (Rory) #161
[2a1fb16 ]: check healthy population condition properly (Rory) #161
[50542bf ]: update data size calculation (Rory) #161
[9b81f18 ]: logic for increasing symptomatic rate of overweight (Rory) #162
[e698c02 ]: Merge branch 'master' into obesity-affects-asymp-rate (Rory) #162
[26348ea ]: add tests (Rory) #162
[eb1238d ]: fix bug in params array size (Rory) #162
[9a06758 ]: deepcopy initial snapshot (Rory) #164
[4b992f1 ]: update time after seeding initial infections (Rory) #164
[018dc20 ]: bumping version number (Alex Coleman) #165
You can’t perform that action at this time.