New collection API, use default AngularJS delimiters {{ }} and much more
Biggest release so far. includes:
New, nicer, faster collection API
- Nicer API with no need to send the $scope, fixes #17 , #81 For more information:
- Significant performance improvements - now we use Meteor's observeChanges to check for changes from the server adn update only the objects needed.
- Now that performance is so much better, we set the auto-bind collection flag to true by default
- Bind a collection to a reactive function and not just a collection -
- Make a scope variable reactive and send it with the reactive function so that anytime it changes, your autoruns and binded collection will re-run -
No need for changing AngularJS default delimiters
- We added a Meteor build plugin that compiles .tpl files like regular HTML files without Blaze so you won't have to change your templates
- Now you can use ui-router without a Meteor package. just include it with bower and send the .tpl file location in the templateUrl router parameter.
Migrate your existing AngularJS app easily to Meteor
- Now without changing the default delimiters and using special ui-roter Meteor package, you can migrate your existing apps easily
Prefix all angular-meteor services with $meteor prefix - fixes #20
Send the subscription handle as a parameter in the promise of the $meteorSubscribe service - fixes #98
Add $meteorUtils service with the following functions:
- autorun - Runs a Meteor Tracker.autorun with AngularJS scope compile
- getCollectionByName