SimulatedAnnealing_Jobshop is a Simulated Annealing heuristic implementation for JobShop-Solving problem.
Complete description of the problem and the algorithm:
Download cpp_code from the repo and use command line to compile the program:
g++ job.cpp task.cpp graph.cpp jobProcessor.cpp main.cpp -o job-shop
The program starts from the console using the command:
./job-shop <-t/-b> <path to the file containing the data> [number of the processed jobs]
Where -t or -b is the data input format:
-t for Tailard data format
-b for Orlib data format
The program prints the results in the following form: length_of_the_scheduling\n
starting_times_of_the_next_task1_operations \n
starting_times_of_the_next_task2_operations \n
starting_times_of_the_next_task3_operations \n
starting_times_of_the_next_last_tast_operations \n
In other words, the number with the coordinates row "i", the column "j" indicates the moment of beginning the task "j" of the job "i".
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.