Voidbot-Discord-Bot README
Join the DISCORD Server: https://discord.gg/V3VFb7Gxnw
[NEW VOIDWATCH LOGGER BETA] Log and search all messages by exact time, or recent time span, regardless of a message being deleted, or edited. Save snapshots for moderation purposes. You will need multiple API's, they are listed below and links are included to make accounts to get your keys.
ChatGPT API: https://platform.openai.com/api-keys Create an account, Choose API Keys menu option on the far left. Click "+ Create new secret key" Name it anything, it will then give you a secret key (Your API Key). Paste that key into the the program where it's required.
Youtube API Key: https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/dashboard Create an account, Choose Credentials menu option on the far left. Click "+ Create Credentials" Name it anything youd like, it will then give you a secret key (Your API Key). (COPY THIS) Paste that key into the program where it's required. Paste the Name you made for the api key into the program where it's required.
Discord API: https://discord.com/developers/applications Create an account, Choose Applications option on the far left. Click the "New Application" Button at the top right. Name it anything youd like, set up its description, and click save if there is a save button. Click on Bot, on the left of the page, under your bot username it will display a token key, or it will display a "Reset Token" Button, click that. it will then give you a token key (Your Bot Token Key). (COPY THIS) Paste that key into the program where it's required.
BOT SETUP ON DISCORD DEVELOPER SITE: REQUIRED On the Bot Tab turn OFF PUBLIC BOT, and turn OFF REQUIRES OAUTH2 CODE GRANT. Now, staying on the Bot tab, you MUST have the Privileged Gateway Intents ALL enabled below. PRESENCE INTENT Tick this ON Required for your bot to receive Presence Update events. SERVER MEMBERS INTENT Tick this ON Required for your bot to receive events listed under GUILD_MEMBERS. MESSAGE CONTENT INTENT Tick this ON Required for your bot to receive message content in most messages.
Now, click the "OAuth2" Tab on the left. This will expand two more options, "General" and "URL Generator" Ignore General and click on "URL Generator", this will give you alot of options. ONLY click the boxes "applications.commands" AND "bot". Scroll down a bit, and give the bot permissions. It's generally a good idea to give it Administrator, so that it can run all the commands needed.
Scroll to the bottom of this same page, and you will see a GENERATED URL at the bottom. COPY this and paste into your browser and it will invite the bot to your server to join.
all logs, error logs, and bot messages saved in Bot_log.txt. Copy and paste that into the bug report area on my Discord, or on my github repo if this is causing you any issues. Usually the messages are self explanatory and will help you troubleshoot, to see if its user error or an issue with the bot itself.
More documentation being added on usage ASAP
If you like what I do, and would like to support me please consider donating. BuyMeACoffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/voidpool or CashApp Donations: https://cash.app/$KenM1337/
Icon Pack Sourced from: https://www.flaticon.com/authors/xnimrodx/lineal-gradient?author_id=278&type=standard