Discord Mass DM GO v1.10.0
Pre-releaseThis is a BETA release. Report all suggestions and bugs in the discussion associated with it! (Click the discussion button on bottom right corner) Thanks.
-> Added option to switch between 3 modes (0: Discord Desktop App, 1: Discord Desktop on Browser 2: Mobile) in config
-> Added option to Censor tokens on Console
-> Added counts to titlebar for functions other than mass DMs
-> Made input for invites support some links
-> Added Average Opened Channels to titlebar for mass DM
-> Added option to login into a token on browser (Requires Chrome)
-> Added a 3rd party Captcha Solution which someone sent me (Don't know how reliable it is, so explore it yourself if you're willing to)
-> Wrote some functions to check number of DMs, guilds, friends, etc but not implemented yet.
-> Added option for extended characters for op-8 brute to support scraping high % of users in servers on a different language
-> Added option for keeping cookies constant (Like on Discord client for more legitimate actions)
-> Replaced Anti-captcha 's IncorrectRecaptcha method with IncorrectHCaptcha method
-> Added Auto React [in Beta] -> Listen for new messages and reactions 24x7 and auto-react to them with the emoji reacted by another user or emoji set in config.
-> Button clicker
->Token Nuker -> Leave all servers, Close all DMs, Leave all group chats, Cancel all incoming friend requests, Remove all friends, remove all blocked users.
-> Bug Fix where a 400 Bad request while sending message would end up sending an empty sitekey to captcha services if it wasn't due to a captcha.