Controlling the Ronin SC Gimbal with:
- Directly from a Raspberry Pi (in progress)
- Arduino (done)
- Roboquest ROS System on a Raspberry Pi (done)
- A Serial inverter is used to invert the serial signal from the Arduino TX into an SBUS signal the Gimbal understands
- A Raspberry pi connects to the Arduino board from UART3 TX to pin 3 on the Arduino so that they can communicate through Software Serial
- When communicating with Serial between 2 devices, the 2 devices GND must be connected too
- Note that the circuit shows a Pihat designed by the Roboquest organization. This can also be a signal that comes from the Pi gpio uart pin.
- Download BMC_SBUS Library
- Clone:
- Extract folder "BMC_SBUS" (not the whole repo) into your Arduino/libraries folder
- Upload arduino_controller.ino (in arduino_controller) to an Arduino
- Run on a pi
NOTE: Install the SoftwareSerial library in Arduino IDE if necessary
- Flash a Raspberry Pi with the RoboQuest OS (only available to VCHS)
- Do all steps from Arduino Quick Start
- Add the following line to /boot/config.txt and then reboot the Pi:
- Copy and paste into your main package
- Go to the Robot Dashboard Site
- Create a Joystick that publishes to the topic /transform
NOTE: you will need a Roboquest PiHat