An easy way to get screen size and rounded corner size of Apple Watch.
Require watchOS 4 or higher.
In Xcode go to File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency
and paste in the repo's url:
Or you can download the code of this repo, then Add Local...
in Xcode, and open the folder of the repo.
- Import this package after you installed by
import AppleWatchScreenSize
- This repo define a public struct called ScreenSize containing 3 vars called width, height and a computed var cornerSize. You can easily know what they mean from their name(Note all vars were measured as px). So the demo code would be like:
import SwiftUI
import AppleWatchScreenSize
struct ContentView: View {
let screenSize = ScreenSize()
var body: some View {
RoundedRectangle(cornerSize: CGSize(width: Double(screenSize.cornerSize ?? 0), height: Double(screenSize.cornerSize ?? 0)))
.stroke(lineWidth: 10.0)
The preview will be like:
The data comes from Since Apple Watch with same resolution share the same rounded corner size, it's not hard to infer the corner size from given screen size. Before series 3 Apple Watch just have a rectangle screen, so the corner size of them will return nil instead.
It can't be denied that Apple may someday release a new watch with same resolution but different corner size, but it works fine by now ;)