$ ./qhls.py example.log -h
usage: qhls.py [-h] [--limit LIMIT] [--top-size TOP_SIZE] logfile
Display stats from a HTTP log file.
positional arguments:
logfile the logfile to parse
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--limit LIMIT maximum number of lines to parse from the file
--top-size TOP_SIZE number of items in displayed rankings
To run it against your own logs, you'll have to modify the regex in the script to match your own log format.
Just keep the following named capture groups :
- the timestamp (which is expected to be an ISO8601 formatted date, if that's not the case modify line 43 accordingly)remote_addr
- the client ipstatus
- the HTTP status codeduration
- the request duration in secondsuser_agent
- the User Agent used by the client
Example output :
$ ./qhls.py example.log --limit 500 --top-size 3
Processing log lines |################################| 500/500
500 records from 2020-11-07 01:03:56+01:00 to 2020-11-07 08:55:46+01:00
Global response time : min=0.000s, mean=0.015s, max=2.676s
Response time by status :
status min mean max
200 0.000s 0.016s 0.361s
400 0.000s 0.153s 0.536s
404 0.000s 0.014s 2.676s
Top clients :
462 (_no_host_found)
9 (_no_host_found)
2 345.345.345.345 (***)
User agents of each top client (might be empty) :
=> (_no_host_found)
297 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1 ...
140 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.2 ...
10 Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64...
=> (_no_host_found)
9 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0...
=> 345.345.345.345 (***)