File Decrypter for the PS4 version 4.05
change your ip address to use the pc you are listening ie:
socat - tcp-listen:9023
send the payload like:
socat -u FILE:DumpFile405.bin TCP:<ps4 ip>:9020
compile with IDC's Cturt SDK mod ps4-payload-sdk
-on your usb stick (fat32) make a directory /405
-insert into the ps4 and run the payload
This will dump all the usermodules self/sprx/sdll/sexe onto your usb in the /405 folder decrypted some like eboots are renamed because i was too lazy to implement folder generation to mimic the ps4 fs but you can change to code to suit whatever you choose to :)
-Specter for his kernel exploit / code execution method / syscall 11 which makes this easy
-IDC for his mod of the Cturt SDK and his patches to allow for self decryption
-Grass Skeu for the original code base this was made from (DumpFile for 1.76 built for hitodamas ps4sdk)