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Device Feedback Cordova plugin for Android, at this moment, is unique plugin, which provide native non-visual (haptic and acoustic) feedback to user and give user on every Android feel that he is using native application.

Works with Cordova 4–5.x CLI versions, but also backward compatible with 3.x. Tested on real Android 2.3, 4.0 and 4.1 devices and various other versions on emulator. Crosswalk is supported.

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If developer wants his application to provide native feedback for best user experience, he must arrange code to reach it. There are a few ways:

  • Use onclick event (after execution of event sound will be played), but deal with 300ms delay.
  • Use touch events and then simulate click event.
  • Use <button> tag.
  • Use link (<a>).

These are all clever workarounds. But why to use workarounds, when you can apply this plugin, and do not use workarounds (read on)? Well, I have not told yet, that this workarounds doesn't function each time. It is because Android webView is inconsistent across Android versions. On GigerBread click-sound feedback fires everytime you tap webView. It doesn't matter If you tap <button> or element with onclick listener. It is fire also If you tap nothing – transparent space inside webView. This is not a very good feedback. In a fact, it is a very bad feedback, maybe more rather anti-feedback. Real feedback fire just in case you tap a tappable element. Acoustics feedback works quite good in ICS, but does not work at all in Jelly Bean 4.1. You cannot rely on this webView behaviour if you wanna user with good user experience.


And that's why there is DeviceFeedback plugin. Plugin completely switch off click and touch event sounds of webView, while give you fully control over acoustic feedback, in addition with haptic feedback. Does not influence tap sounds of other activities or dialogs. Plugin respects user's settings and vibrate only if haptic feedback is enabled, and sound only if sound feedback is enabled and if device don't have quiet profile activated. All this user expecting.

As this plugin is for user interaction feedback, don't require any permissions. But plugin isn't replacement for vibrate in Apache plugin. Purpose is different! (And you probably want this, not apache vibrate, huh. :-) User want non-vibrating device, when he have vibrating disabled... )


JavaScript interface of plugin is exported into window.plugins.deviceFeedback.

.acoustic() method

Provide native sound feedback, no arguments, no callbacks.

element.ontouchdown = function() {
    window.plugins.deviceFeedback.acoustic() // Do you hear it?
    deviceFeedback call should be first to ensure user know, that device is working */

.haptic([type]) method

Provide native haptic feedback, no callbacks. Three types (constants are in deviceFeedback object):

  • VIRTUAL_KEY – default; all SW and sensoric buttons; typically longer/stronger
  • LONG_PRESS – long tap on SW, sensoric and also HW (usually menu or back button); typically shorter/softer
  • KEYBOARD_TAP – tap on virtual keyboard

You should respect purpose of these constants to provide best UX.

element.ontouchdown = function() {
    DF = window.plugins.deviceFeedback
    DF.haptic(DF.VIRTUAL_KEY) // Do you feel it?

.isFeedbackEnabled(callback) method

Check if haptic and acoustic feedback is enabled by user settings. Callback is called with feedback object argument with two members: haptic and acoustic. Possibly values: true/false/null. Null is for missing option in settings. Note: Tablet without vibrator get back true, which is weird.

window.plugins.deviceFeedback.isFeedbackEnabled(function(feedback) {
	if(feedback.haptic && feedback.acoustic) alert("Both haptic and acoustic feedback are enabled by user.")
	else if(feedback.haptic) alert("Haptic feedback is enabled, but acoustic not.")
	else if(feedback.acoustic) alert("Haptic feedback is disabled, nevertheless acoustic is enabled.")
	else alert("Neither haptic feedback is enabled nor acoustic.")

More examples in demonstration

Look at test.html or replace index.html in www directory of blank cordova project with test.html to simply test it.
demonstration demonstration


Install this plugin using Cordova CLI Command-line Interface Guide.

CLI 5.0 and higher

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-velda-devicefeedback

or lower versions of CLI

cordova plugin add cz.velda.cordova.plugin.devicefeedback


cordova plugin add

Creating a demo project

Type this commands into shell:

cordova create DFdemo cz.Velda.dfdemo DFdemo
cd DFdemo
cordova platform add android
cordova plugin add
rm -r www
mkdir www
cp plugins/cordova-plugin-velda-devicefeedback/test.html www/index.html
cordova build
# now, you can import project into eclipse or run command below
cordova run