Provides the ability task node Play Montage Advanced and Wait
to play multiple montages on multiple meshes.
- Montage Replication
- Event Tags
- Psuedo Notifies that are much more reliable than anim based notifies
- Override blend-in settings programmatically
- Driver and Driven montages (Driven montages can match the animation duration of the Driver montage)
If you want to use the interface version with blueprint, you need to add this manually by adding a BlueprintImplementableEvent
that IPlayMontageByTagInterface::GetAbilityMontagesByTag
calls, otherwise C++ is required.
You will need to include "PlayMontageAdvanced"
in both your .uproject and your Build.cs
Either use UPlayMontageAbilitySystemComponent
or derive your own UAbilitySystemComponent
from it.
Derive your gameplay abilities from UPlayMontageGameplayAbility
Only required if using the interface option, with MontageTag
on the node
Implement the IPlayMontageByTagInterface
interface to your Avatar Actor
Override GetAbilityMontagesByTag
bool AMyCharacterPlayer::GetAbilityMontagesByTag(const FGameplayTag& MontageTag, UAnimMontage*& DriverMontage,
FDrivenMontages& DrivenMontages) const
DriverMontage = ThirdPersonBodyMontage;
// These montages will play for all
DrivenMontages.DrivenMontages.Add({ ThirdPersonWeaponMontage, WeaponMeshTP });
// These montages only play locally, as per UPlayMontageByTagLib::ShouldPlayLocalDrivenMontages()
DrivenMontages.LocalDrivenMontages.Add({ FirstPersonBodyMontage, BodyMeshFP }, { FirstPersonWeaponMontage, WeaponMeshFP });
// Returning false means no montage will play at all, it will abort
return true;
Any montages added to LocalDrivenMontages
will only play if this is true:
bool UPlayMontageByTagLib::ShouldPlayLocalDrivenMontages(const AActor* AvatarActor)
const APawn* Pawn = AvatarActor ? Cast<APawn>(AvatarActor) : nullptr;
APlayerController* PlayerController = Pawn ? Pawn->GetLocalViewingPlayerController() : nullptr;
return PlayerController != nullptr;
Now you can add a PlayMontageAdvancedAndWait
node to your ability blueprint and it should work.
Your next step will be to pass in a FGameplayTag
for MontageTag
and factor that in for GetAbilityMontagesByTag
. For example MontageTag.Weapon.SMG.Reload
Code was used from GASShooter
- Refactor to PlayMontageAdvanced
- Remove dependency on interface, allowing params to be used instead
- Fix bug where montage wasn't being stopped when ability ends
- Added support for notify by tag that is processed in the GA itself
- Added driven montage replication
- Added blend in overrides
- Added event tag callback
- Added option to scale driven montages to driver duration
- Release