The Fairlay Private API allows you to POST requests (creating/changing markets and orders, transfering funds, etc.), costs 1mBTC per 100.000 requests, see below on how to create your developer API account. This is the low level documentation, if you need a working sample or are more comfortable reading code rather than specifications, head over to
All requests must be send via TCP in the following format
every request must end with "<"ENDOFDATA">"
You must sign "nonce|userid|requestID|requestData" with your RSA key and provide your signature with all requests.
This is a sample GETBALANCE Request:
All answers are returned in the following format
The response is usually JSON-encoded:
If there is an error, the server returns an error message starting with "XError: " for general errors or "YError: " if there was an error in a subtask of a bulk change order reqeust.
Response: returns the server's public key in XML format.
Response: returns the server's time in ticks.
Note: the server time can also be interfered from the nonce in every response.
signature|nonce|userid|20|1g1p6dleaZfBac+aKDVfDwnh2AN9l/GW9qYuDDVRg8v9muUs7qoIcYqaZbuZq792MB1kqmWvyQui4a9HLodFbAwowBQ+IVceNYnEUFVyVrIgfzUWVvJ5kgxTDCNV3Z0xSq8GuqD1wpdSAWi4vPvmWg3KCjbbr30MzWaniNLauRU=AQAB|999999 creation and all future requests.
Returns: User info object
Note: Use to convert PEM RSA keys to XML format.
Example: to create an API account call:
signature|nonce|userid|23|API Account ID|1g1p6dleaZfBac+aKDVfDwnh2AN9l/GW9qYuDDVRg8v9muUs7qoIcYqaZbuZq792MB1kqmWvyQui4a9HLodFbAwowBQ+IVceNYnEUFVyVrIgfzUWVvJ5kgxTDCNV3Z0xSq8GuqD1wpdSAWi4vPvmWg3KCjbbr30MzWaniNLauRU=AQAB
API Account ID: can be any integer from 1 to 9. You can have up to 9 seperate API Accounts. Each API Account has it's own nonce, public key and it's own privileges.
returns "New APIUser Added"
By default you use API Account 0. If you want to use a different API Account you have to add 1000 * API Account ID to the request ID.
Example: If you like to get your balance using API Account #5 you call:
Note that you need to register API Account #5 before you can use it.
this will permanently set your API Account #5 to Read Only. This cannot be undone.
You can also set your API Account #0 to read only. But be careful with it:
signature|nonce|userid|7|{"Cat":0,"RunnerAND":["Arsenal","Chelsea"],"TitleAND":null,"TitleNOT":["Corners","Throwin"],"Comp":"Premier Leag","TypeOR":null,"PeriodOR":[1],"SettleOR":null,"ToSettle":false,"OnlyMyCreatedMarkets":false,"Descr":null,"ChangedAfter":"2016-01-01T22:01:01","SoftChangedAfter":"0001-01-01T00:00:00","OnlyActive":false,"MinPop":0.0,"MaxMargin":103.0,"NoZombie":false,"FromClosT":"2016-05-01T00:00:00","ToClosT":"0001-01-01T00:00:00","FromID":0,"ToID":100,"SortPopular":false}
GETMARKETS returns all markets that apply to the given filter.
Cat: is the Category, see A2) for more information. 0 queries all Categories. RunnerAND: All strings provided must be contained in the names of the runners of the market. TitleNOT: = None of the strings may appear in the title of the market TypeOr: Only the Market Types given will be returned. If set to null, all market types will be returned. See A2) for Market Types PeriodOr: Similiar to TypeOr See A2) for Market Periods SettleOr: See A2) for Settlement Types ToSettle: If set to true, it will only return unsettled markets where the resolution time has passed. NoZombie: NoEmpty markets (without any open order) Descr: The given string must appear in the market description. ChangedAfter: Only returns markets, where the meta data was changed after the given date. Usually the Closing and Settlement Dates of a market is the only data that changes. SoftChangedAfter: returns all markets, where either the the meta data or the orderbook has changed since the given date.
Returns: a list of market objects
signature|nonce|userid|67|{"Cat":0,"RunnerAND":["Arsenal","Chelsea"],"TitleAND":null,"TitleNOT":["Corners","Throwin"],"Comp":"Premier Leag","TypeOR":null,"PeriodOR":[1],"SettleOR":null,"ToSettle":false,"OnlyMyCreatedMarkets":false,"Descr":null,"ChangedAfter":"2016-01-01T22:01:01","SoftChangedAfter":"0001-01-01T00:00:00","OnlyActive":false,"MinPop":0.0,"MaxMargin":103.0,"NoZombie":false,"FromClosT":"2016-05-01T00:00:00","ToClosT":"0001-01-01T00:00:00","FromID":0,"ToID":100,"SortPopular":false}
Returns: A long-string Dictionary with the marketID - orderbook key-value pair.
Returns: market object
signature|nonce|userid|11|{"Comp":"SCOTUS","Descr":"This market resolves to Yes, if the Senate confirms Merrick Garland’s Supreme Court nomination before President Obama leaves the office. The resolution date of this market may be accelerated. Bets matched after the antedated resolution date will be voided.","Title":"Will Senate confirm Merrick Garland's SCOTUS nomination?","CatID":15,"ClosD":"2016-11-01T00:00:00","SettlD":"2017-01-20T00:00:00","Ru":[{"Name":"Yes","InvDelay":0,"VisDelay":6000},{"Name":"No","InvDelay":0,"VisDelay":6000}],"_Type":2,"_Period":1,"SettlT":0,"Comm":0.02,"PrivCreator":784741,"CreatorName":"USERNAME"}
Comp: Competition CatID: Category (see A2)) ClosD: Closing Date SettlD: Resolution Date Ru: InvDelay must always be 0, VisDelay must always be set to 6000 _Type: See A2) _Period: See A2) SettlT: For settlement types see A2) Comm: 0.02 - must always be 0.02. PrivCreator: must match your userid and will remain privat CreatorName: must match your Username and is public
Returns: market id (no json)
market id: on which market the order will be placed
runner id: on which runner the order will be placed: 0 for the 1st runner, 1 for the 2nd runner of the market and so on.
bidorask: 0 places a bid order, against the runner. 1 places a bet on the runner to win.
price: the decimal odds at which the order is placed
amount: the amount in mBTC
matchedsubuser: custom string
type: see unmatched order types in A2)
pendingperiod: should be set to 6000ms
Returns: unmatched order object
Returns: a list of all corresponding matched orders objects for the cancelled unmatched order. See A1) for the object specification.
Returns: how many unmatched orders were cancelled: "5 Orders were cancelled"
is a combination of cancelorder and createorder
Returns: unmatched order object
Changes, cancels and creates many orders at once. All newly created orders will be of type MAKER (See A2)). All changed orders will keep their type.
example for changeorderDictionary:
Mid: market ID Rid: Runner ID Oid: Order ID (set to -1 if only a new order shall be created and no old order is to be replaced) Am: Amount Pri: Price (use price of 0.0 to just cancel the order) Sub: custom string Boa: bid or ask order Mct: pending period. Should be set from 0 to 6000 ms. 6000ms as default.
Returns: a list of strings that contains specific answers to each create order request, in general the unmatched order that was created.
example response:
["{"Price":5.587,"RemAmount":1665.0,"State":0,"BidOrAsk":0,"PrivAmount":1665.0,"PrivSubUser":"myLines","PrivCancelAt":3155378975999999999,"makerCT":6000,"_Type":1,"PrivID":635980480385298548,"PrivUserID":777888}","Order cancelled","{"Price":49.800,"RemAmount":193.0,"State":0,"BidOrAsk":0,"PrivAmount":193.0,"PrivSubUser":"myLines","PrivCancelAt":3155378975999999999,"makerCT":6000,"_Type":1,"PrivID":635980480385298550,"PrivUserID":777888}","{"Price":6.954,"RemAmount":1514.0,"State":0,"BidOrAsk":1,"PrivAmount":1514.0,"PrivSubUser":"myLines","PrivCancelAt":3155378975999999999,"makerCT":6000,"_Type":1,"PrivID":635980480385418585,"PrivUserID":777888}"]
Note that the response does not return the market id and runner id - this must be extracted from the user request
Returns: all unmatched orders and matched orders that were created, cancelled or changed after the given time.
example for transferobject: {"FromU":777888,"ToU":777889,"Descr":"test transfer","TType":1,"Amount":2.0}
FromU: must match your userid ToU: must be an existing user TType: custom field, can have any int value
Returns: transferobject if successful
this sets up an fully automated LMSR market maker. Google the term to get familiar with the usage.
example for lmsrmarketmakerobject: {"UserID":777888,"MarketID":61659266392,"Runner":5,"Enabled":true,"InitShareLimit":350.0,"B":1300.0,"CancelAll":"2016-06-05T13:34:56", "ShareStop":1400.0,"InitProb":[0.3,0.1,0.2,0.2,0.2],"DiminishBack":[0.01,0.01,0.01,0.0,0.02],"DiminishLay":[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.01,0.01],"coolOffSeconds":36000.0,"coolOffFactor":4.0}
Default values {"UserID":[userid],"MarketID":61659266392,"Runner":5,"Enabled":true,"InitShareLimit":300.0,"B":1000.0,"CancelAll":"2016-06-05T13:34:56", "ShareStop":9999.0,"InitProb":[0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2],"DiminishBack":[0.00,0.00,0.00,0.0,0.00],"DiminishLay":[0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01],"coolOffSeconds":1.0,"coolOffFactor":2.0}
UserID: must match your userid MarketID: must be provided Runner: # of Runners / must match the # of runners of the market Enabled: must be set to true InitShareLimit (must be > 1): Shares that are offered in one order. Stake + Winnings from one order are 350mBTC B (must be > 10): ~ is about the same as the maxium possible loss of the market maker CancelAll (must be set to a future date): Date where the market maker stops. Set to year 2100 if the mm should run forever ShareStop (must be > 1): amount of exposure in shares before the market maker stops. Should be set higher than B in regular cases. InitProb: the initial probability estimation for all runners DiminishBack (must be non-negative): In general the LMSR market maker runs on 0% margin, i.e. it doesn't make any profit. If more margin should be added, you can worsen the odds for each bid orders for every runner. 0.01 worsens bid odds from 80% to 81% (or 1.25 to 1.2345) for example. DiminishLay: same for all ask orders.
cool off adds temporary additional margin to markets with increased activity and should be applied to markets that can have exogenous shocks or where real probabilities can deviate from the initial probability distribution.
coolOffFactor (must be >=1): if set to 4.0 the odds will worsen 4.0 times more than expected from the usual lmsr market maker.
coolOffSeconds (must be >=1): The time after which the coolOff period will be over. If set to 36000 the additional market margin will reduce step by step over an period of 10 hours.
If no cool off is required, set coolOffSeconds to 1.
Disable a MM by setting Enabled = false and other variables to a valid value.
gets the current LMSR MM from the user for a given market.
example for lmsrmarketmakerobject: {"UserID":777888,"MarketID":61659266392,"Runner":5,"Enabled":true,"InitShareLimit":350.0,"B":1300.0,"CancelAll":"2016-06-05T13:34:56", "ShareStop":1400.0,"InitProb":[0.3,0.1,0.2,0.2,0.2],"DiminishBack":[0.01,0.01,0.01,0.0,0.02],"DiminishLay":[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.01,0.01],"coolOffSeconds":36000.0,"coolOffFactor":4.0}
Changes Closing and Settlement Date
Example: {"MID":76650963889,"ClosD":"2016-06-11T01:00:00Z","SetlD":"2016-06-11T03:00:00Z"}
returns: MarketTime changed.
gets all bankroll adjustments after a given time.
returns a JSON encoded Statement Object:
long ID: is not unique globally; is the time in milliseconds from Jan 1th 2016 string Descr : optional description, contains the market ID in case of a settlement. int T : 0-99 stands for a transfer (same like ttype in transfer object) includes deposits & cashouts, 100 admin, 200 market settlement w/o commission, 201 market settlement with commission, 250 unsettlement, 300 commission bonus) decimal Am : amount credited decimal Bank : total bankroll after the adjustment.
Settles a given market. Note that the total betting volume of the market will be deducted from the available balance for 2 to 3 days. Unless the user has special rights, a user can only settle markets he created.
returns "Market settled" or some kind of "XError: ..."
Mid: is the market ID Runner: determines the Runner which won (0 means that the 1st Runner won, 1 means that the 2nd Runner won and so on). If a market shall be voided the Runner must be set to -1 Win: Must be set to 1 Half: should be set to "false". Only needed for +- 0.25 and +-0.75 soccer spread and over/under markets. If a market is half won or half lost, set Half to "true"; Dec: If the market is not binary, but has a decimal outcome, this needs to be set to the result. [Not supported yet] ORed: Odds reduction [only for Horse racing - not needed in general]
Transfers funds to another user / this is also used to request withdrawals
reqID: 81
reqData: json encoded MUserTransfer Object
response: json encoded MUserTransfer Object
signature|nonce|userid|81| {"FromU":1001001,"ToU":1001002,"Descr":"test transfer","TType":1,"Amount":2.0}
FromU: must match your userid ToU: must be an existing user TType: custom field, can have any int valu
reqID: 49
reqData: None
response: "success"
This will permanently set your API Account #5 to Read Only. Note that this cannot be undone. You can also set your API Account #0 to read only.
reqID: 67
reqData: json encoded MarketFilter Object
response: long/string Dictionary with market IDs and orderbooks.
signature|nonce|userid|67|{"Cat":0,"RunnerAND":["Arsenal","Chelsea"],"TitleAND":null,"TitleNOT":["Corners","Throwin"],"Comp":"Premier Leag","TypeOR":null,"PeriodOR":[1],"SettleOR":null,"ToSettle":false,"OnlyMyCreatedMarkets":false,"Descr":null,"ChangedAfter":"2016-01-01T22:01:01","SoftChangedAfter":"0001-01-01T00:00:00","OnlyActive":false,"MinPop":0.0,"MaxMargin":103.0,"NoZombie":false,"FromClosT":"2016-05-01T00:00:00","ToClosT":"0001-01-01T00:00:00","FromID":0,"ToID":100,"SortPopular":false}
reqID: 11 reqData: json encoded MarketX Object
response: long market ID
signature|nonce|userid|11|{"Comp":"SCOTUS","Descr":"This market resolves to Yes, if the Senate confirms Merrick Garland’s Supreme Court nomination before President Obama leaves the office. The resolution date of this market may be accelerated. Bets matched after the antedated resolution date will be voided.","Title":"Will Senate confirm Merrick Garland's SCOTUS nomination?","CatID":15,"ClosD":"2016-11-01T00:00:00","SettlD":"2017-01-20T00:00:00","Ru":[{"Name":"Yes","InvDelay":0,"VisDelay":6000},{"Name":"No","InvDelay":0,"VisDelay":6000}],"_Type":2,"_Period":1,"SettlT":0,"Comm":0.02,"PrivCreator":784741,"CreatorName":"USERNAME"}
Comp: Competition CatID: Category (for a list of all Categories, please visit ClosD: Closing Date SettlD: Resolution Date Ru: InvDelay must always be 0, VisDelay must always be set to 6000 _Type: for a list of all MarketTypes please visit _Period: for a list of all MarketPeriods please visit SettlT: for a list of all SettleTypes please visit Comm: 0.02 - must always be 0.02 in order to be listed on Fairlay. Please contact [email protected] if you need a reduced commission. PrivCreator: must match your userid CreatorName: your public name of your choice
reqID: 16
reqData: None
response: how many unmatched orders were cancelled: "5 Orders were cancelled"
cancels all open orders on all markets
creates an automated LMSR market maker on a specific market
reqID: 73
reqData: json encoded LMSR Object
response: json encoded LMSR Object
{"UserID":777888,"MarketID":61659266392,"Runner":5,"Enabled":true,"InitShareLimit":350.0,"B":1300.0,"CancelAll":"2016-06-05T13:34:56", "ShareStop":1400.0,"InitProb":[0.3,0.1,0.2,0.2,0.2],"DiminishBack":[0.01,0.01,0.01,0.0,0.02],"DiminishLay":[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.01,0.01],"coolOffSeconds":36000.0,"coolOffFactor":4.0}
Default values
{"UserID":[userid],"MarketID":61659266392,"Runner":5,"Enabled":true,"InitShareLimit":300.0,"B":1000.0,"CancelAll":"2016-06-05T13:34:56", "ShareStop":9999.0,"InitProb":[0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2],"DiminishBack":[0.00,0.00,0.00,0.0,0.00],"DiminishLay":[0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01],"coolOffSeconds":1.0,"coolOffFactor":2.0}
UserID: must match your userid MarketID: must be provided Runner: # of Runners / must match the # of runners of the market Enabled: must be set to true, disable a MM bye setting this to false. InitShareLimit (must be > 1): Shares that are offered in one order. Stake + Winnings from each order are 350mBTC B (must be > 10): ~ is proportional to the maxium possible loss of the market maker if it starts at 50/50 CancelAll (must be set to a future date): Date where the market maker stops. Set to year 2100 if the mm should run forever ShareStop (must be > 1): amount of exposure in shares before the market maker stops. Should be set higher than B in regular cases. InitProb: the initial probability estimation for all runners DiminishBack (must be non-negative): In general the LMSR market maker runs on 0% margin, i.e. it doesn't make any profit. If more margin should be added, you can worsen the odds for each bid orders for every runner. 0.01 worsens bid odds from 80% to 81% (or 1.25 to 1.2345) for example. DiminishLay: same for all ask orders.
cool off adds temporary additional margin to markets with increased activity and should be applied to markets that can have exogenous shocks or where real probabilities can deviate from the initial probability distribution. coolOffFactor (must be >=1): if set to 4.0 the odds will worsen 4.0 times more than expected from the usual lmsr market maker. coolOffSeconds (must be >=1): The time after which the coolOff period will be over. If set to 36000 the additional market margin will reduce step by step over an period of 10 hours.
If no cool off is required, set coolOffSeconds to 1. There is only one market maker per market. Setting one, overwrites the old one.
retrieves all current LMSR Marketmaker
reqID: 70
reqData: -1
response: json encoded marketID/LMSR Dictionary