Tiny tasks CLI in Rust for unix based systems. Supports ssh2 to read and write on remote file.
Usage: tasks use uses or creates new context tasks ls shows the list of tasks tasks lsa shows the list of all tasks from all contexts tasks lsc shows the list of contexts tasks add "{content}" creates task based on content string tasks done {id} marks one or several tasks (separated by a comma) as done tasks rm {id} deletes one or several tasks (separated by a comma) based on the id tasks rmc {name} deletes context based on the name or its given id tasks clear deletes one or several contexts (separated by a comma) based on the name OPTIONS: -h, --help shows help
By default, the data file is stored under /home/{USER}/.local/share/tasks/tasks.json
You can modify this behavior by setting you own ssh_local_path
in the config:
local_file_path = '/opt/tasks'
You can use a remote file to store your data file in order to use the same one whatever the device your on. It supports ssh2.
To do that you simply need to update the config file:
ssh_ip = '666.66.66.666:22'
ssh_username = 'root'
ssh_file_path = 'apps/tasks'
is The IP of the remote server you want to connect to (you'll need the port which is 22 by default).
is the user name of the server you want to connect with (which is often root
by default).
is the location where you want to store the tasks
data file.
The ssh connection uses ssh-agent to get the right ssh key. You might need to run this command to add your ssh key to ssh-agent:
eval `ssh-agent -s` && ssh-add # You can specify the name of the key if you are using a different one