Team: ingsw2022-AM38
Valeria Amato [email protected]
Francesco Barisani [email protected]
Nicolò Caruso [email protected]
This group project was developed as the final test for the Software Engineering 2022 Course at Politecnico di Milano, held by teacher Alessandro Margara.
The Eriantys game is the Java-based version of the board game of the same name.
Additional information on the original board game can be found at
The final version of the game contains the following:
- Initial UML class diagram
- Final UML class diagram
- Communication protocol specification
- game implementation (jar file)
- source code of the game implementation
- source code of tests
Functionality | Status |
Basic rules | 🟢 |
Complete rules | 🟢 |
Socket | 🟢 |
GUI | 🟢 |
CLI | 🟢 |
All Characters cards | 🟢 |
Four-player game | 🔴 |
Multiple games | 🟢 |
Persistence | 🔴 |
resilience to disconnections | 🔴 |
🔴 Not Implemented 🟡 Implementing 🟢 Implemented
All tests in model and controller show a classes' coverage of 100%.
The table below shows the detailed coverage rates on Model and Controller
Package | Class, % | Method, % | Line, % |
it.polimi.ingsw.controller | 100% (7/7) | 92.1% (35/38) | 81.1% (425/524) |
it.polimi.ingsw.model.board | 100% (12/12) | 93.3% (112/120) | 93% (675/726) |
it.polimi.ingsw.model.player | 100% (6/6) | 100% (52/52) | 96.5% (192/199) |
it.polimi.ingsw.model.specialCards | 100% (4/4) | 91.7% (33/36) | 84.8% (106/125) |
In order to launch the game you have to run the jar file.
After opening a command terminal, navigate to the directory in which the jar file is located and type the following command:
java -jar AM38-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Once you have launched the "Eriantys" game by command line, you will be asked to choose between 3 options:
- run a Server
- run a client CLI
- run a client GUI
Each option is identified by a corresponding integer value which you will have to type in order to choose what to run.
The minimum configuration for playing a functioning game requires one running server and at least two clients, which can be any combination of CLI and GUI (e.g. one CLI and one GUI, two CLIs, etc.).
3-player games are also fully supported.
It is also possible to run multiple complete games on the same running Server.
To start a game, each client has to connect to the server by reaching it on its IP address and port. Then, the client application will ask the player to choose a unique nickname for the game and - if no other game is being created at that moment - the player will have to choose the game settings (number of players and expert / easy game mode).
Grateful for your time and attention, we wish you many exciting games with Eriantys.
Have fun!
- The developers team