A repo following along the course "Using Typescript with React" by Dmytro Danylov.
- ES6 basics
- Modules
- Types (primitive and non-primitive)
- Interfaces
- Overloaded functions
- Optional Parameters
- Classes
- Type Declaration file (.d.ts)
- Generics
- Union type
- Intersection type
- Type aliases
- Utility types
- Partial<T>
- Readonly<T>
- Required<T>
- Pick<T, K>
- Record<K, T>
- Exclude<T, U>
- Omit<T, K>
- NonNullable<T>
- Extract<T, U>
- InstanceType<T>
- ReturnType<T>
- ThisType<T>
- Mapped types
- Pick<T, K>
- Conditional types