release-1.20.1-37: * Add: Health bars now appear outside line of sight for a specific
20 commits
to master
since this release
range (range can be changed in config) @dmdinnc * Add: New config option to change the text color * Add: Mobs of the Illager type now show an Iron Axe icon in the top right * Add: New config option to disable mob name rendering * Add: New config option to prevent vanilla's nametag from rendering * Add: Tadpole is now added to the blacklist by default * Add: New config option to disable unit frames for all hostile mobs (bosses are excluded) * Add: New config option to disable unit frames for all passive mobs * Change: Invisible mobs holding an item or wearing armor are now rendering the health bar @dmdinnc * Change: Stacked mobs now each have a healthbar rendered @dmdinnc * Change: Players riding a mob do not see the mount's healthbar * Fix: The config option 'Color Healthbar by type' does not consider the wither as a boss * Fix: Incompatible with Real Camera