Idea: classify traffic on anomaly/normal. If anomlay -> classify further approach: generalization by machine learning
Dataset creation: labeled.pcap -> labeled.pcap_splitted by 1 second
-> creating csv file with network packet description on each of splitted
-> feature extraction (for example - simple statistic calculation)
-> adding each record to TRAIN dataset
--> here should be evaluation (not performed)
Model creation: using created labeled dataset:
-->choose model (not performed)
--> feature evaluation (basic evaluation perfomred) //conclusion not enough data -> delete stupid correlations
-> train logisticRegression anyway, perform crossvalidation.
-> save model as binary object using pickle or save weights of model if can be done (ex. lightgbm)
Assemble Program (PROJ):
-> copy from to
-> copy Model_creation/binary PROJ_example/funs/model_data
-> copy Model_creation/multi PROJ_example/funs/model_data
-> copy Model_creation/available_cat.txt PROJ_example/funs
-> run program on machine with tcpdump
Folders (all code, with comments):
Dataset_creation # modify wireshark/editcap path in Dataset_creation/
Basic requirements: for WM ubuntu/debian python3.8 for others: ptyhon3.6 or higher (should be mine works fine)
pip install scapy tqdm pandas numpy sklearn (can be deleted manualy)
Additionally: wireshark editcap util