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React App Vmart Deployed On Vercerl

A Report on E-Commerce website using ReactJS and Firebase Presented by Vedant Dhote (TYITA31)

Guided by Mrs. Tanuja.S.Patankar

Aim:- The project aims to create an E-Commerce website using ReactJS and Firebase for storing user data.


ReactJS is a JavaScript library used for building reusable UI components. According to React official documentation, following is the definition −

React is a library for building composable user interfaces. It encourages the creation of reusable UI components, which present data that changes over time. Lots of people use React as the V in MVC. React abstracts away the DOM from you, offering a simpler programming model and better performance. React can also render on the server using Node, and it can power native apps using React Native. React implements one-way reactive data flow, which reduces the boilerplate and is easier to reason about than traditional data binding.

React Features:- JSX − JSX is JavaScript syntax extension. It isn't necessary to use JSX in React development, but it is recommended. Components − React is all about components. You need to think of everything as a component. This will help you maintain the code when working on larger scale projects. Unidirectional data flow and Flux − React implements one-way data flow which makes it easy to reason about your app. Flux is a pattern that helps keeping your data unidirectional. License − React is licensed under the Facebook Inc. Documentation is licensed under CC BY 4.0.

React Advantages:- Uses virtual DOM which is a JavaScript object. This will improve apps performance, since JavaScript virtual DOM is faster than the regular DOM. Can be used on client and server side as well as with other frameworks. Component and data patterns improve readability, which helps to maintain larger apps.

Google Firebase is a Google-backed application development software that enables developers to develop iOS, Android and Web apps. Firebase provides tools for tracking analytics, reporting and fixing app crashes, creating marketing and product experiment.

Firebase offers a number of services, including: Analytics – Google Analytics for Firebase offers free, unlimited reporting on as many as 500 separate events. Analytics presents data about user behavior in iOS and Android apps, enabling better decision-making about improving performance and app marketing. Authentication – Firebase Authentication makes it easy for developers to build secure authentication systems and enhances the sign-in and onboarding experience for users. This feature offers a complete identity solution, supporting email and password accounts, phone auth, as well as Google, Facebook, GitHub, Twitter login and more. Cloud messaging – Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is a cross-platform messaging tool that lets companies reliably receive and deliver messages on iOS, Android and the web at no cost. Realtime database – the Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database that enables data to be stored and synced between users in real time. The data is synced across all clients in real time and is still available when an app goes offline. Crashlytics – Firebase Crashlytics is a real-time crash reporter that helps developers track, prioritize and fix stability issues that reduce the quality of their apps. With crashlytics, developers spend less time organizing and troubleshooting crashes and more time building features for their apps. Performance – Firebase Performance Monitoring service gives developers insight into the performance characteristics of their iOS and Android apps to help them determine where and when the performance of their apps can be improved. Test lab – Firebase Test Lab is a cloud-based app-testing infrastructure. With one operation, developers can test their iOS or Android apps across a variety of devices and device configurations. They can see the results, including videos, screenshots and logs, in the Firebase console.

Conclusion:- We have successfully created an E-Commerce website Vmart using ReactJS and Firebase