Mate & Dragons is an e-commerce platform designed to provide a seamless shopping experience of yerba mate for users. It features a clean and responsive interface, advanced filtering options, and integration with an API to fetch product data dynamically. Click on the youtube playlist below to see all the features!
- Dynamic Product Listings: Products are fetched from a remote API and displayed dynamically.
- Advanced Search: Search for products by name with instant feedback.
- Filtering Options: Filter products by type and brand with custom select components.
- Responsive Design: Optimized for both desktop and mobile devices (TBI).
- Theme Toggle: Switch between light and dark modes.
- User Authentication: Basic login functionality with JWT-based authentication.
- Favorites and Cart: Add products to favorites and shopping cart (TBI).
- User Management: Admin can manage users, including creating, updating, and deleting users.
- Product Management: Admin can manage products, including creating, updating, and deleting them.
- Security: Protected routes and secure password storage.
- Next.js: Server-side rendering and static site generation.
- React: Component-based UI framework.
- TypeScript: Static type checking.
- Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework.
- Lucide Icons: Modern icon library.
- Shadcn: Custom UI components.
- React Hot Toast: Custom Toaster.
- Symfony: PHP framework for building web applications.
- PHP: Backend programming language.
- MySQL: Database management system.
- JWT: JSON Web Tokens for secure user authentication.
- Doctrine ORM: Object-Relational Mapping for database management.
- XAMPP: Local development environment.
- Composer: Dependency manager for PHP.
- npm or yarn: Package managers for JavaScript.
- Node.js (>= 14.x)
- Symfony (>= 7.x)
- PHP (>= 8.x)
- npm (>= 6.x) or yarn (>= 1.x)
- Composer (>= 2.x)
- XAMPP (Apache + MySQL)
Clone the repository:
git clone cd mate-and-dragons
Install the frontend depedencies
cd frontend npm install # or yarn install
Install the backend dependencies (you may have to use composer update and add --ignore-platform-req=ext-sodium)
cd ../backend composer install
Ensure the Railway cloud database is running and update the .env file in the backend folder with the correct environment variables.
Alternatively, if you're using a local MySQL server, ensure it is running and update the DATABASE_URL in the .env file accordingly.
Run the Database migrations from the Backend
symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate
Run the Development FrontEnd Server in the 'frontend' folder
cd frontend npm run dev
Run the Development BackEnd Server in the 'backend' folder
cd ../backend symfony server:start
Log in as an admin using the following credentials:
- Username: admin1
- Password: admin1
Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 for the frontend. Access the backend API at http://localhost:8000/api/...
- Better styling.
- Encrypted Passwords.
- Registration form.
- See more details about the products.
- Add products to a wish list and a cart.
- More search features and filters.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details
Made with ❤️ by the Mate & Dragons team.