Code input for vue3 and nuxtjs 3. Code input for email or sms confirmations. Type or paste the code into multiple fields, get the string backwards.
import venCodeInput from "@venegrad/vue3-code-input"
export default {
components: {
Css if needed:
@import '@venegrad/vue3-code-input/dist/venCodeInput.css'
: (Number), Default = 6, Number of fieldsupper
: (Boolean), Default = false, Transform all characters to upper caselower
: (Boolean), Default = true, Transform all characters to lower casedisallow
: (RegExp), Default = /[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g,, A regular expression that cuts charactersv-model
: v-model value (Array, ['John', 'Doe']), Dynamic v-model valueinFocus
: (Boolean), Default = true, Add onMounted autofocus to first input of codeerror
: (String), Default = null, Add error class, and error text outer inputnumbersOnly
: (Boolean), Default = true, Make input type Number with mobile parametresblurdone : (Bollean), Default = false, Focus out and close mobile keyboard, when user write done code
All you need to do is attach a watch event to the v-model value, but if that's not enough for you, I've added a few more events.
= return value of v-model when it changed. Starts first time on components mount, and every time when v-model changed.
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