Common questions for frontend developer.
- What is new in css and html
- display variants
- positiong
- css variables
- Buttton vs anchor
- Semantic tags
- how browser works
- repaint and reflow
- Js gamechanger features from ES6.
- ES what is new for today.
- var, let, const
- JS types
- Symbols
- rest, spread
- function expretion vs function declaration
- arrow fn vs fn
- closures
- Objects
- Map, Set, Proxy
- Prototype inheritense vs OOP
- Prototypes vs proto
- Can you write your own 'instance of'
- Describe process of creating object by using function contructor and operator 'new'
- Promises
- Mikrotasks, makrotasks
- @@@ How js works(AST(abstract syntax tree), optimizator, JIT(just in time))
- Cashe in V8 and hidden classes js
- Write your own subscriber
- Task about optimiaztion of searching in 100k sorted items items
- Promises vs Observable
- Can we implement Promise.all in async/await style?
- CommonJS vs AMD
---------Browser behaviors and HTTP---------
- Describe flow of HTTP request
- CORS vs jsonp and why they needed
- What type of security vulnerability do you know
- How to increase performance
---------Team works---------
- How would you manege a new large project. What tools will you use?
- How you are planing your workflow?
- How you gonna structure your project?
- How would you control code quality on your project?
- Reactivity
- data vs computed vs watcher
- Event propagation
- slots
- Vuex
- nextTick
- Provide, Inject