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@toolsvenus toolsvenus tagged this 16 Apr 09:33
## [2.1.0]( (2024-04-16)

### Features

* updating deployment files ([cfac0ef](
* updating deployment files ([75a8601](
* updating deployment files ([9918745](
* updating deployment files ([192e35a](
* updating deployment files ([7315afa](
* updating deployment files ([d353312](

### Bug Fixes

* added ankrBNB oracle ([b5db7ff](
* added BNBxOracle tests ([3dd876a](
* added comment for calculations ([1a3466a](
* added deployment script for ethereum mainnet ([4ca37b9](
* added oracle ([059ae93](
* added legacy WstETHOracle ([d05c131](
* added missing frxETH oracle ([9f53486](
* added MockEtherFiLiquidityPool ([8a43973](
* added MockEtherFiLiquidityPool ([c56c638](
* added OneJumpOracle ([85f7c3f](
* added oracle for BNBx ([da240d4](
* added PendleOracle ([8e734b7](
* added sFrax and sfraxETH oracle ([9f6fafa](
* added skipIfAlreadyDeployed ([0ac8a93](
* added SlisBNBOracle tests ([8e845a3](
* added stkBNB oracle ([3cc3c7f](
* added tests for ankrBNB ([6f60296](
* added tests for etherfi oracle ([46f5292](
* added tests for frax oracle ([a105329](
* added tests for stkBNBOracle ([4bddd1a](
* added wBETH oracle ([c2bfcee](
* added WBETHOracle tests ([9ebd366](
* best-practices-4 ([524fe52](
* best-practices-5 ([6356a75](
* CTO-01 ([5c4a531](
* deployed testnet oracles ([e44fc69](
* deployed weETH oracle ([4b0a2d7](
* deployed weETH oracles on ethereum mainnet ([36d1147](
* fix EtherFi oracle file name ([30bf180](
* fix OneJumpOracle decimals returned ([9efcae3](
* fixed casing ([a259232](
* fixed casing ([f7ac84e](
* fixed decimals calculation ([9c5a853](
* fixed deployment ([080a1a4](
* fixed deployment ([afcf5d0](
* fixed end of line ([8b80c1c](
* fixed interface ([95f7c8c](
* fixed lint ([9a29657](
* fixed lint ([f925897](
* fixed netspec ([b13ee7a](
* fixed netspec comment ([fa59be3](
* fixed netspec comment ([6f84648](
* fixed netspec comment ([0e7f175](
* fixed stkBNB exchange rate and added slisBNBOracle ([a6287da](
* fixed test name ([82347e5](
* fixed tests ([fdbfa2c](
* fixed tests ([b0db26a](
* handle frxETH depeg scenario ([58e01aa](
* POV-01 ([90ea2b1](
* prevent duplicate declaration ([6db3b36](
* prevent saving deployments during coverage ([2a2f311](
* redeployed oracle ([cbff0bf](
* remove duplicate ([7a4d864](
* remove MockEtherFiLiquidityPool ([4e4f605](
* remove skipIfAlreadyDeployed ([30baca8](
* remove unused imports ([9e39ab4](
* removed addresses ([6cfdcf5](
* removed deployments ([2587bc0](
* removed native token addr ([e2bf880](
* removed WrappedLiquidStakedTokenOracle ([827911d](
* renamed fraxETH to frxETH ([ed8081e](
* reset deployments ([50e3e5b](
* resolved conflict ([bc9c5ef](
* revert accounts config ([304ae50](
* reverted account change ([da6e458](
* SBB-01 ([423c552](
* SFO-01 ([12e9d52](
* switch to eETH oracle when depegged ([7ba3858](
* uncommented ([4faaceb](
* updated commented ([f44977a](
* updated netspec ([eeab989](
* updated styling ([c0504a8](
* use abstract contract for ankrBNB ([542d139](
* use abstract contract for BNBxOracle ([55161c7](
* use abstract contract for SFraxETHOracle ([f972055](
* use abstract contract for slisBNB ([0549767](
* use abstract contract for weETH oracle ([c8b960c](
* use abstract contract for wstETH oracle ([571a6a1](
* use abstract for stkBNB, WBETH and sFRAX ([ff2b48c](
* use generic names ([bf4dbcd](
* use underlying decimals ([9d35818](
* ven-cor-4 ([752da30](
* VPB-01 ([ac18ad7](
* VPB-02 ([c167681](
* VPB-03 ([0854636](
* VPB-04 ([f0f5ed0](
* VPB-05 ([b14b832](
* wip - redeployment ([8d9a5d7](
* wip for deploying oracle ([c1164e8](
Assets 2