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@toolsvenus toolsvenus tagged this 10 Sep 14:25
## [2.5.0]( (2024-09-10)

### Features

* add config for zksync ([c492b6a](
* add script for wstETH and weETH oneJumpOracle deployment on arbitrum sepolia ([97a98a3](
* add script for wstETH and weETH oracle deployments on arbitrumone ([88e24c5](
* bump dependencies with venus packages ([c906023](
* deployment files for wstETH and weETH for onejumpOracle ([18778b7](
* deployment files for wstETH and weETH oneJumpOracle on arbitrum sepolia ([fbceebd](
* deployments of oracle on zksync sepolia ([a89526d](
* oracles deployments on zksync ([13a72f9](
* update hardhat/deploy package version ([9cc4705](
* updating deployment files ([c449b0b](
* updating deployment files ([25c37bf](
* updating deployment files ([d82fa25](
* updating deployment files ([6b9a2a5](
* updating deployment files ([f698c0c](
* updating deployment files ([1449399](
* updating deployment files ([e725a06](
* updating deployment files ([d31b76c](
* updating deployment files ([baae710](
* updating deployment files ([75d7f65](
* updating deployment files ([02ad4f1](
* updating deployment files ([40bc057](
* updating deployment files ([403fb08](
* updating deployment files ([0fa5a04](

### Bug Fixes

* added deployment script ([aa2245f](
* added WeETHAccountantOracle oracle ([ad46f7b](
* build ([02f6170](
* deleted unwanted scripts ([a854793](
* deploy and ci.yml ([3a8eb4b](
* deploy binance and pyth in seperate scripts ([b5ff1d7](
* deploy main oracles in hardhat ([2b2681a](
* deployed on ethereum ([57757e2](
* deployed on ethereum ([5b0acad](
* deployed oracles in testnet ([8bb07f1](
* deployed to sepolia ([7319784](
* don't skip hardhat ([55648af](
* fixed comments ([51339a1](
* fixed lint ([a6a2431](
* fixed lint ([07baf6d](
* fixed lint ([6568537](
* fixed lint ([507bf53](
* fixed netspec comment ([c75405f](
* nit deploy script ([62ade25](
* only deploy main oracle on hardhat ([395dfed](
* redeployed contracts ([bdf3ea7](
* redeployed oracle ([b2292e7](
* remove address check ([686c6df](
* remove skip ([3a815b3](
* remove zksyncsepolia entry from redstoneFeed ([affc0c8](
* removed deployed ([716a530](
* removed deployment ([b6d9697](
* removed deployment ([1425759](
* removed deployment ([a148906](
* removed deployment ([4eab98a](
* removed deployment ([e89298d](
* removed deployment files ([5c31dac](
* removed deployments ([cc3556b](
* removed unwanted script ([0fb1bfd](
* renamed files ([08cfa06](
* sfrxeth oracle updated ([12034dc](
* split bnb lst oracles script ([15928ef](
* update deployment order ([1c5fba4](
* updated netspec ([77284dc](
* updated pendle oracle ([e5f1b82](
* updated rsETH oracle ([7df7811](
* updated sfrax oracle ([af6d628](
* updated weETH ([76f769f](
* wet-01 ([26ef5da](
* wet-01 ([4828f49](
Assets 2