A simple JSON-RPC client for Go.
import (
proxy := jsonrpc.NewProxy("http://localhost:8080/service/", "myapp") // Prefixes all methods with myapp.
var payload = map[string]interface{}{
"Cake": "Delicious",
"Orly": true,
resp, err := proxy.Call("cakereport", payload)
if err != nil {
respPayload, ok := resp.(map[string]interface{})
/* Per the JSON-RPC specification the response should be an object that looks something like this:
"id": 1,
"error: null,
"result": true
The error field will not be null if a server error occurs. These are not caught by the Call error
handling as you may need to handle it yourself. /*
if !ok {
log.Fatal("Terrible server.")
result, ok := respPaylad["result"].(bool)
if !ok {
log.Fatal("We were expecting a bool result!")
log.Printf("%+v", respPayload)