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my dev setup :) SS2.jpg


  • TERMINAL: kitty [ + TMUX ]
  • EDITOR: neovim
  • SHELL: fish
  • PKGs: brew
  • DE: tiles (MacOS)


everything in this config was added piece wise, based on the explicit need for something in my workflow. ive spent a lot of time optimizing for:

  • speed (startup time ~5ms, lazy loading almost everything)
  • no bloat (only features i use regularly)
  • custom tooling (to avoid bloat)
  • making plugins work nicely together

some of the "big" things i decided to implement on my own:

  • statusline (with lsp, git, diagnostics, outline, truncation, +more)
  • lsp handlers (qf-list, notifications, multi-file rename, +more)
  • terminal api (send commands, toggle, run last, notifications, +more)
  • functionality like OpenInGithub, open file in Finder, toggle buffer maximize +more
  • project local settings and commands
  • elaborate fully managed dap ui/ux setup

NOTE: i recommend using neovim HEAD (or at least 0.8+) to keep up with latest changes.

To Reproduce:

  • run (might require sudo access), to copy over config files
  • all plugins and dependencies should be installed on next launch. restart when complete

NOTE: i recommend using checkhealth to make sure everything is setup and ready to go

External Dependencies
  • cppcheck
Project Setup
  • .clang-format: clang-format config
  • .clang-tidy: clang-tidy config
  • .flake8: autopep8/flake8 config
  • pyrightconfig.json: pyright config
  • .nvimrc.lua: project local settings


  • source to update local config
  • source to update the repo with latest local config


  • tmux: setup terminfo profile using tic -x ${HOME}/.config/tmux/terminfo
  • brew: packages in brew_output.txt & brew_cask_output.txt
  • kitty: setup fonts according to kitty/kitty.conf
  • nvim: use LuaCacheClear from impatient.nvim, if startup seems weirdly slow
  • ngc: docker auth token preset in ~/.docker/config.json