The ViaVersionAddons organization is a collection of additions to the Via* plugins which are made by the community. Below, you can find an overview of the projects to find the one that suits your exact needs.
- ViaProxyRakNetProviders – Adds multiple alternative RakNet backends to ViaProxy.
- ViaProxyAuthHook – Enables ViaProxy clients to join online mode servers.
- MiniConnect – A miniature recreation of the old ViaProxyConnect server as a ViaProxy plugin.
- ViaProxyWhitelist – Restricts access to the ViaProxy server to specified players.
- ViaProxySpark – Implements the spark profiler as a ViaProxy plugin.
- ViaProxyOpenAuthMod – Enables OpenAuthMod authentication with backend servers.
- ViaProxyBeta2Release – Implements the Beta2Release proxy for connecting beta client versions.
- ViaProxyMultiLaunch – Launches another jar file alongside ViaProxy.
- NoLocalConnections – Example ViaProxy plugin denying local server connections.
- BungeeViaProxy – Fixes compatibility issues with ViaProxy on BungeeCord.
- ViaLegacyAPI – Ensures compatibility with plugins using the legacy ViaVersion API.
- ViaBackwards-Plus – Backports textures to enhance the ViaBackwards experience.
- ViaSnapshot – Enables joining snapshot servers via ViaProxy (currently supports 15w31a & 15w31b).
- ViaChatFixer – Fixes chat length restrictions for 1.11+ players on 1.8-1.10 servers.
- ProtocolSupportCompat – Ensures ViaVersion compatibility with ProtocolSupport.
- ViaErrorHandler – Disables strict error handling for 1.20.5 clients on 1.20.4- servers.
- ViaVanillaPlus – Handles protocol changes in Vanilla+ mods (addon for ViaFabricPlus).
- ViaPotions – Translates thrown potions for old clients using ProtocolSupport and ViaRewind.
- AxSmithing – Makes Smithing Tables functional across all versions (ViaVersion addon).
- labymod-addon – ViaVersion as a LabyMod addon.
Made by all contributors with ❤️
Managed by, reach out to them if you want to join the organization or have any questions.