This is a collection of functions to help converting good ol' dates to Broadcast dates when you need to be working in the Broadcast Calendar.
- Broadcast calendar timezone is Eastern Time. It does have DST
- All functinons expect
passed as an argument to be in Eastern Time Zone. Useparse_
functions when possible. - You can not trust time zones during the DST switchover unless you explicitly specify the time zone.
npm i @viacomcbs/broadcast-calendar
This library uses luxon to work with dates.
All functinons expect DateTime
passed as an argument to be in Eastern Time Zone. Use parse_
functions when possible.
import {
} from "@viacomcbs/broadcast-calendar";
const dateTime1 = parseDateFromISO("2022-12-26");
const dateTime2 = DateTime.fromISO("2022-12-26", { zone: BroadcastTimeZone });
// dateTime1 is the same as dateTime2
type YearQuarter = {
year: number;
quarter: number;
- isYearQuarter(yq?: unknown): yq is YearQuarter
type guard function
- getBroadcastYear(date: DateTime): null | number
returns broadcast year for a given date
- getBroadcastQuarter(date: DateTime): null | number
returns broadcast quarter for a given date
- getBroadcastMonth(date: DateTime): null | number
return broadcast month (1-12) for a given date
- getBroadcastQuarterWeek(date: DateTime): null | [number, number]
returns [quarter, week]
numbers for a given date
- getBroadcastYearQuarter(date: DateTime): null | YearQuarter
returns broadcast year and quarter for a given date
- getBroadcastYearsQuarters(Interval): null | YearQuarters[]
returns array of broadcast years and quarters for a given dates interval
- incrementYearQuarter({ year, quarter }: YearQuarter, incrementValue?: number): YearQuarter
increments quarter (and year if needed) for a given year quarter
- yearQuarterIsGreaterThan(a: YearQuarter, b: YearQuarter): boolean
return true if a is greater than b
- yearQuarterToInteger(value: YearQuarter): null | number
returns an interger reperesention of YearQuarter type, like 20221
- integerToYearQuarter(value: number): null | YearQuarter
take an interger reperesention of Year Quarter, like 20221 and return YearQuarter type or null if integer is incorrect
- getBroadcastWeek(date: DateTime): null | number
returns broadcast week number for a given date
- getBroadcastWeekKey(date: DateTime): null | number
returns broadcast week key for a given date. Examples: 202103
, 202232
Set of functions that return broadcast dates Interval
for a given date.
getBroadcastWeekKeyInterval(weekKey: number): Interval
getBroadcastWeekInterval(date: DateTime): null | Interval
getBroadcastMonthInterval(date: DateTime): null | Interval
getBroadcastQuarterInterval(date: DateTime): null | Interval
getBroadcastYearInterval(date: DateTime): null | Interval
getBroadcastYearIntervalFromYear(year: number): null | Interval
getBroadcastQuarterIntervalFromYearQuarter({ year, quarter, }: YearQuarter): null | Interval
getBroadcastWeeksInInterval(interval: Interval): null | Interval[]
returns the array of broadcast weeks intervals for a given interval
- parseDateFromSQL(date: string): DateTime
- parseDateFromISO(date: string): DateTime
- parseDateFromBroadcastWeekKey(weekKeyStr: string): null | DateTime
Parses string and returns luxon
DateTime in US Broadcast calendar time zone (Eastern Time)
- parseIntervalFromSQL(interval: StringInterval): Interval
- parseIntervalFromISO(interval: StringInterval): Interval
Parses string interval and returns luxon
Interval in US Broadcast calendar time zone (Eastern Time)
- formatToISOWithoutTZ(datetime: DateTime): null | string
- formatToSQLWithoutTZ(datetime: DateTime): null | string
Return the string representation of DateTime but drops timezone offset
- formatBroadcastDateInterval(interval: Interval, format?: (date: DateTime) => string): null | StringInterval
Takes Interval
instance and returns a tuple with two ISO (or with format
function) formatted dates
- getBroadcastCalendar(date: DateTime): BroadcastCalendar
returns all the broadcast calendar information
- toCalendarDateTime(broadcast: DateTime): DateTime
converts broadcast date time into calendar date time.
Broadcast day starts at 6am, so broadcast date 2022-07-23 03:15:00
equals to 2022-07-24 03:15:00
in gregorian calendar.
broadcast-calendar [ISO Date | Broadcast Week Key]
Outputs broadcast calendar data JSON for given date or broadcast week key. If the date or key are omited outputs calendar for today.
License Apache 2.0 - see LICENSE for more details.