Hello, my name is Victor Falcetta, and I am a Swift iOS developer but also develop in other Apple platforms such as Apple TV, Apple Watch and have knowledge on how to use Swift UI. I always strive to learn more and become a better developer than I currently am.
Currently I am working on the Open-Source framework called Formworks! Where it is a tool for iOS where you can build forms through a JSON file. You can check it out more about it on its repository below on the pins. The team involved in developing it, besides me, are Artur Carneiro, Edgar Sgroi, Cassia Barbosa and Rafael Galdino
Blink!: It is an Apple TV app where it has a companion iOS app where you can perform Brainstorm sessions with great flow an ease. It is entirely built on Swift UI. Developed with my teammates Edgar Sgroi and Artur Carneiro
Proativi: It is an iOS app with the focus on to improve your productivity and help you keep track on your tasks. It was one of my first apps that I developed, and I hope to remake it to MVVM pattern and make a proper Core Data usage. Developed solo
Feel free to explore my public GitHub repositories! Most of it is exploratory code where I try to learn something but there are a few apps that you can check how my code evolved through time.
You can enter in contact with me through my Linkedin account or through my email [email protected].