Policy Bazaar is a website where users can purchase policies and insurances related to health, car, and several other amenities.
This project is a clone of Policy Bazaar being a collaborative effort by a team of 5 Full Stack Web Developers and executed in a week.
The Website Clone: https://policy-bazaar-fullstack.vercel.app/
The Deployed Server: https://long-erin-hippo-sock.cyclic.app
The Features Developed:
- Home Page,
- User Signup and Login,
- UserDetails Form,
- Policies Details Page,
- Checkout Page,and
- Payment Page
The Tech Stacks Used:
- React
- Redux
- Chakra-UI
- Material UI
The Demo of Website:
The User on Visiting the website lands on the home page:
The Login and Signup Page:
The user details form:
The policies details page:
The checkout Page:
THe final Payment Page