a group project for ros gatekeeper
please run the command pip install requirements.txt
sudo apt-get install mpg123
and other packages it requires
Just say unlock to the robot
- Say “Start recording” to the robot
- The robot will ask you "What is your name?"
- Then reply the robot with "My name is XXXX". The sentence must start with "My name is"
participant User
participant Speech_Recognition_Node as Speech Recognition Node
participant Camera
participant Face_Recognition_Service as Face Recognition Service
participant TTS_Service as TTS Service
User->>Speech_Recognition_Node: Voice input
alt command is "unlock"
Speech_Recognition_Node->>Camera: Record 2s video
Camera->>Face_Recognition_Service: Send 5 frames
alt recognition fails
Face_Recognition_Service->>TTS_Service: Announce failure
else recognition succeeds
Face_Recognition_Service->>TTS_Service: Welcome user
else command is "start recording"
Speech_Recognition_Node->>TTS_Service: Ask for user's name
User->>Speech_Recognition_Node: Respond with name
Speech_Recognition_Node->>Camera: Record 2s video
Camera->>Face_Recognition_Service: Send 5 frames for enrollment
Face_Recognition_Service->>TTS_Service: Announce outcome