This is final project of Udacity Cloud DevOps Engineer Nanodegree Program. In this project we'll apply the skills and knowledge that I've learn from the nanodegree, including:
- Working with AWS
- Using CircleCI to implement CI/CD
- Building pipelines
- Building Kubernetes clusters
- Building Docker containers in pipelines
This is a simple "Hello, World!" site
- Integrate Slack to send notification describe the result of the jobs
- Check to see whether the app is successfully running and rolled out
- Creating config file for CircleCI
Some messages when CircleCI notify to Slack:
- Deploy our app
Setup the EKS cluster: I've used
to setup the cluster automatically through the pipelinecreate-cluster
job -
Try some Hello, World
- Linting the Dockerfile
Build and push the image to dockerhub Link to the dockerhub: Link
Create and deploy k8s resources
In the k8s.yml
file, contains all the resources needed for the project. The LoadBalancer get deployed as service with an external IP, running on port 80.
- For post-deployment step, I've using
to check if the app is up and running at port 80
- Finally, I check if the app successfully rolled out or not
3. Check to see if the app is up and live
Access the app through both the LoadBalancer DNS
- Through LoadBalancerDNS: