Built from casual-markdown with a simple addition
A lightweight RegExp-based markdown parser, with TOC, scrollspy and frontmatter support
It revises from simple-markdown-parser of Powerpage Markdown Document for the following features
- simple, super lightweight (200 lines)
- vanilla javascript, no dependence
- all browsers supported (IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, Brave, etc..)
- straight-forward coding style, hopefully readable.
- support basic+enhanced syntax according Basic Markdown Syntax (markdownguide.org)
- TOC and scrollspy support
- highlight comments/keywords in code-block
- frontmatter for simple YAML
- extendable (by override md.before, md.after, md.formatCode, md.formatYAML)
Added Right, Center, and Left align headers with subheaders. Useful for dates in a resume (cv)
just simply include casual-markdown.js from CDN or local.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Vio-Eli/resume/css/light-packed.css">
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Vio-Eli/resume-markdown/dist/[email protected]"></script>
or may download casual-markdown.js, casual-markdown.css
and include them locally.
Once include the javascript library, casual-markdown object md
is available with below functions.
- convert markdown string into htmlmd.toc( mdElement, tocElement, options)
- generate TOC html to tocElement- default TOC option := { title:'Table of Contents', css:'h1,h2,h3,h4', scrollspy:null }
for example
// get markdown source from element
var mdText = document.getElementById('source').innerHTML
// parse markdown, and render content
document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = md.html( mdText )
// render TOC, add scrollspy to document.body
md.toc( 'content', 'toc', { css:'h2,h3,h4', title:'Table of Contents', scrollspy:'body' } )
// render TOC, title=Index, add scrollspy to <div id=content>
md.toc( 'content', 'toc', { title:'Index', scrollspy:'content' } )
TOC may retrieve heading from special TAG elements. e.g. tag <section>
md.toc() retrieve content from selected tags, using tag name as className. So remember provide additional #toc class to show it nice in TOC dialog.
// render TOC from tag:section, and H3, H4
md.toc( 'content', 'toc', { css: 'section,h3,h4' } )
// remember provide style class for TOC tag, normally set position for left margin
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML = '#toc .SECTION { margin-left:2em }
To activate the scrollspy feature, just pass element-ID of scroll content as below.
// activate scrollspy. normally is same as md-content, but sometime is document body.
md.toc( 'content', 'toc', { css: 'h2,h3,h4', scrollspy:'conent' } )
// sometimes scroll content is document body.
md.toc( 'content', 'toc', { css: 'h3,h4,h5', scrollspy:'body' } )
Code-block keywords will be highlighted, they are hard-code in function md.formatCode(). If do want to highlight different keywords, please revise or override original function md.formatCode().
//===== format code-block, highlight remarks/keywords for code/sql
md.formatCode = function (match, title, block) {
// convert tag <> to < > tab to 3 space, support marker using ^^^
block = block.replace(/</g,'<').replace(/\>/g,'>')
block = block.replace(/\t/g,' ').replace(/\^\^\^(.+?)\^\^\^/g, '<mark>$1</mark>')
// highlight comment and keyword based on title := none | sql | code
if (title.toLowerCase(title) == 'sql') {
block = block.replace(/^\-\-(.*)/gm,'<rem>--$1</rem>').replace(/\s\-\-(.*)/gm,' <rem>--$1</rem>')
block = block.replace(/(\s?)(function|procedure|return|if|then|else|end|loop|while|or|and|case|when)(\s)/gim,'$1<b>$2</b>$3')
block = block.replace(/(\s?)(select|update|delete|insert|create|from|where|group by|having|set)(\s)/gim,'$1<b>$2</b>$3')
} else if ((title||'none')!=='none') {
block = block.replace(/^\/\/(.*)/gm,'<rem>//$1</rem>').replace(/\s\/\/(.*)/gm,' <rem>//$1</rem>')
block = block.replace(/(\s?)(function|procedure|return|if|then|else|end|loop|while|or|and|case|when)(\s)/gim,'$1<b>$2</b>$3')
block = block.replace(/(\s?)(var|let|const|for|next|do|while|loop|continue|break|switch|try|catch|finally)(\s)/gim,'$1<b>$2</b>$3')
return '<pre title="' + title + '"><button onclick="md.clipboard(this)">copy</button><code>' + block + '</code></pre>'
to parse every markdown-block, dummy function md.before() and md.after() will be called
(i.e. md.after( md.parser( md.before(mdText) ) )
They can be re-defined for enhanced syntax. for example,
// original code in casual-markdown.js
var md = { before: function (str) {return str}, after: function (str) {return str} }
// re-define for extend syntax. e.g. $text$ => <strong>text</strong>
md.before = function (str) {
return mdstr = mdstr.replace(/\$(\w.*?[^\\])\$/gm, '<strong>$1</strong>')
// re-define for extend syntax. e.g. $$text$$ => <b>text</b>
md.after = function (str) {
return mdstr = mdstr.replace(/\$\$(\w.*?[^\\])\$\$/gm, '<b>$1</b>')
document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = md.html()
Support frontmatter for simple YAML, only support string value (with 2 level ) meanwhile.
Frontmatter start with ---
(at least three) in first line of markdown document, for example
title : Markdown-as-Page
style : #header { background: RoyalBlue }
menu :
Home : index.md
Supported Syntax: md-syntax.md
md-as-Doc : md-as-doc.md
md-as-Page : md-as-page.md
md-as-Blog : md-as-blog.md
[DarkMode] : javascript:darkmode()
## {{ title }}
After called md.html(), js program may refer these values by md.yaml[name]
(i.e. md.yaml = { title:'Markdown-as-Page', .... })
and html string with {{ name }}
will be replaced with related values
- Markdown-as-Document: https://github.com/casualwriter/casual-markdown-doc
- Markdown-as-WebPage: https://github.com/casualwriter/casual-markdown-page
- Markdown-as-Blog: https://github.com/casualwriter/casual-markdown-blog (not ready yet!)
- 2022/07/19, v0.80, initial release.
- 2022/07/21, v0.82, refine toc/scrollspy, add dummy function for extension
- 2022/07/22, v0.85, frontmatter for simple YAML
- 2022/07/31, v0.90, refine frontmatter. code casual-markdown-doc.js, casual-markdown-page.html
- 2023/04/12, v0.92, add copy feature for code-block. minor fine-tune.
- 2024/02/23, v0.92.1 added header alignment features (vio-eli)