The FSLogixDsc module installs and configures FSLogix application and profile containers using the FSLApps, FSLJavaRuleEditor, FSLLocalGroup, FSLO365ContainerPolicy, FSLProfileContainerPolicy and FSLRuleEditor composite resources.
- FSLApps installs the FSLogix container application.
- FSLJavaRuleEditor installs the FSLogix Java Rule Editor.
- FSLLocalGroup manages the local FSLogix application group(s).
- FSLO365ContainerPolicy configures FSLogix O365/OneDrive container policy registry settings.
- FSLProfileContainerPolicy configures FSLogix Profile container registry settings.
- FSLRuleEditor installs the FSLogix Rule Editor.
- FSLAppsLab deploys the FSLogix container application, groups and policies on a single lab host.
- FSLRuleEditorsLab deploys the FSLogix rule and Java rule editor applications on a single lab host.
There are dependencies on the following DSC resources:
- xPSDesiredStateConfiguration -