- ROAAgent: Deploys a RES ONE Automation agent or agent+ (v10 and later)
- ROABuildingBlock: Imports a RES ONE Automation building block
- ROAConsole: Installs the RES ONE Automation console
- ROADatabase: Installs the RES ONE Automation console and creates a RES ONE Automation database
- ROADatabaseAgent: Installs a RES ONE Automation Agent, querying the database for the Site Id
- ROADispatcher: Deploys a RES ONE Automation Dispatcher
- ROALab (Composite): Deploys a single-node RES ONE Automation server lab environment
- ROAManagementPortal: Deploys the RES ONE Automation (v10 and later) web management portal
- ROAManagementPortalConfig: Creates a RES ONE Automation (v10 and later) web management portal configuration file
- xNetworking: ROALab requires https://github.com/PowerShell/xNetworking to create server firewall rules
Deploys a RES ONE Automation agent or agent+ (v10 and later).
ROAAgent [String] #ResourceName
Path = [String]
SiteId = [String]
[ Version = [String] ]
[ IsAgentPlus = [Boolean] ]
[ IsLiteralPath = [Boolean] ]
[ AddToTeam = [String[]] ]
[ DispatcherList = [String[]] ]
[ DownloadDispatcherList = [Bool] ]
[ InvokeProject = [String[]] ]
[ InheritSettings = [Bool] ]
[ UseAutodetectFirst = [Bool] ]
[ Ensure = [String] { Absent | Present } ]
Imports a RES ONE Automation building block.
ROABuildingBlock [String] #ResourceName
Path = [String]
[ Credential = [PSCredential] ]
[ IsRESONEAutomationCredential = [Boolean] ]
[ DeleteFromDisk = [Boolean] ]
Installs the RES ONE Automation console.
ROAConsole [String] #ResourceName
DatabaseServer = [String]
DatabaseName = [String]
Credential = [PSCredential]
Path = [String]
[ Version = [String] ]
[ IsLiteralPath = [Boolean] ]
[ Ensure = [String] { Absent | Present } ]
Installs the RES ONE Automation console and creates a RES ONE Automation database.
ROADatabase [String] #ResourceName
DatabaseServer = [String]
DatabaseName = [String]
Credential = [PSCredential]
SQLCredential = [PSCredential]
Path = [String]
[ LicensePath = [String] ]
[ Version = [String] ]
[ IsLiteralPath = [Boolean] ]
[ Ensure = [String] { Absent | Present } ]
Installs a RES ONE Automation Agent, querying the database for the Site Id.
ROAAgent [String] #ResourceName
DatabaseName = [String]
DatabaseServer = [String]
Credential = [PSCredential]
Path = [String]
[ Version = [String] ]
[ IsAgentPlus = [Boolean] ]
[ IsLiteralPath = [Boolean] ]
[ AddToTeam = [String[]] ]
[ DispatcherList = [String[]] ]
[ DownloadDispatcherList = [Bool] ]
[ InvokeProject = [String[]] ]
[ InheritSettings = [Bool] ]
[ UseAutodetectFirst = [Bool] ]
[ Ensure = [String] { Absent | Present } ]
Deploys a RES ONE Automation Dispatcher.
ROADispatcher [String] #ResourceName
DatabaseServer = [String]
DatabaseName = [String]
Credential = [PSCredential]
Path = [String]
[ Version = [String]]
[ IsLiteralPath = [Boolean] ]
[ Ensure = [String] { Absent | Present } ]
Deploys a single-node RES ONE Automation lab server environment.
ROALab [String] #ResourceName
DatabaseServer = [String]
DatabaseName = [String]
Credential = [PSCredential]
SQLCredential = [PSCredential]
Path = [String]
Version = [String]
[ BuildingBlockPath = [String] ]
[ BuildingBlockCredential = [PSCredential] ]
[ IsBuildingBlockCredentialRESONEAutomationUser = [Boolean] ]
[ DeleteBuildingBlock = [Boolean] ]
[ Ensure = [String] { Absent | Present } ]
Installs the RES ONE Automation (v10 and later) web management portal component.
ROAManagementPortal [String] #ResourceName
HostHeader = [String]
CertificateThumbprint = [String]
Path = [String]
[ Port = [UInt16] ]
[ Version = [String] ]
[ IsLiteralPath = [Boolean] ]
[ Ensure = [String] { Absent | Present } ]
Creates RES ONE Automation (v10 and later) web management portal configuration file.
ROAManagementPortalConfig [String] #ResourceName
Path = [string]
DatabaseServer = [String]
DatabaseName = [String]
[Credential = [PSCredential]]
[ApiKey = [String] ]
[IdentityBrokerUrl = [String] ]
[ApplicationUrl = [String] ]
[ClientId = [String] ]
[ClientSecret = [PSCredential]]
[Ensure = [string]{ Absent | Present } ]