The Expense Tracker is a simple yet powerful web application designed to help you manage your personal finances effortlessly. With this application, you can easily record and track your expenses and income, providing a clear view of your overall financial balance
- Add Expenses and Income: Easily input your expenses and income entries to keep an accurate record of your financial activities.
- View Balance: The application calculates and displays your total balance based on your recorded transactions, giving you an up-to-date overview of your financial status.
- Local Storage: All your data is securely stored in the browser's localStorage, ensuring that your financial records are saved even after you close the browser.
- Toast Notifications: Get real-time feedback with toast notifications for successful actions like adding, deleting, or updating entries.
Vue.js: The project is built using Vue.js, a progressive JavaScript framework, for creating a dynamic and reactive user interface.
Composition API: Leveraging the Composition API of Vue.js for better modularity and organization of the code.
LocalStorage: Utilized for storing the financial data locally within the browser, providing persistence without the need for a backend.
Toast Notifications: Implemented to enhance user experience with immediate and non-intrusive alerts.