- 🏦 I'm a Data Practitioner working for a service based company providing insights on massive data.
- 📝 I regulary write technical articles for Vivek'blogs and dev.to
- 💻 I use daily .js, .java, .py, .sql, .ipynb, .yaml
- 📖 I am currently reading Mastering Kstream and Ksql by Mitch Seymour
- 💬 Talk to me about cricket, python (both of these are not any kind of insect or animals), silicon valley & startups
- 👯 We can connect to play some games of Chess ♟ or maybe have discussion about blockchain.
- ⚡ Fun fact: Cleared N5 Exam.
- 🧑💻 Tech I work on :
From: 14 January 2023 - To: 06 March 2025
Total Time: 564 hrs 47 mins
Python 378 hrs 27 mins >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>-------- 66.68 %
HTML 68 hrs 12 mins >>>---------------------- 12.02 %
TypeScript 21 hrs 42 mins >------------------------ 03.83 %
JSON 18 hrs 23 mins >------------------------ 03.24 %
JavaScript 18 hrs 19 mins >------------------------ 03.23 %
Text 9 hrs 15 mins ------------------------- 01.63 %
Bash 8 hrs 26 mins ------------------------- 01.49 %
Markdown 8 hrs 18 mins ------------------------- 01.46 %
Docker 7 hrs 46 mins ------------------------- 01.37 %
YAML 6 hrs 57 mins ------------------------- 01.22 %
• “Knowledge is power”— Francis Bacon