- Vivek Mange
Turtlebot Waffle with custom Lidar and depth camera mount. Enhanced with RPI, Rplidar, and Realsense camera for better performance.
To execute:
python3 splinter_wall_following.py
- Robot follows the wall on the left side.
- Laser scan divided into front (0-100, 900-1000) and left (200-400) regions.
- Moves forward with constant velocity, monitors front ranges, and performs emergency stop if needed.
- Adjusts rotation and forward movement to maintain a 0.4m distance from the wall.
To execute:
python3 wanderer.py python3 reactor.py
i. Wanderer:
- Robot moves forward by default.
- Stops and moves backward when a bump is detected.
- Randomizes rotation direction and duration before resuming forward movement.
ii. Reactor:
- Monitors IR intensity data to detect threats.
- Uses two methods to avoid threats:
- Splits IR readings into left and right zones.
- Updates angular velocity based on the closest threat.
Destroy three mines (two green, one blue) and return to base.
- Uses Realsense depth camera and OpenCV for color detection.
- Finds and pushes green mines first, then the blue mine.
- Returns to base after hitting all mines.