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Example of use on Ubuntu
The following examples were created using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, and have been tested on 13.04 too. The source code will get checked out into <home>/git/. To recreate the example, substitute <home>/git/ for where your local git is set up.
Addtionally, we are going to use MySQL as the data base and git as the repository to analyze. If svn or cvs repositories need to be analyzed, then svn and cvs should be installed on the system.
The use of sudo is also part of the examaples, if sudo or root access is not available, the tools can be installed into a directory you do have write access to. For example, a directory in your home directory. See the documentation for the given module.
cd <home>git
git clone https://github.com/MetricsGrimoire/CVSAnalY.git
git clone https://github.com/MetricsGrimoire/Bicho.git
git clone https://github.com/MetricsGrimoire/RepositoryHandler.git
git clone https://github.com/MetricsGrimoire/MailingListStats.git
git clone https://github.com/MetricsGrimoire/CMetrics.git
- install python and needed modules:
- Python 2.7
- python-setuptools
- python-pysqlite2
- python-storm
- python-launchpadlib
- python-beautifulsoup
- python-feedparser
- python-configglue
- python-mysqldb
These all can be installed by: sudo apt-get install <list-of-python-modules>.
After getting the sources with the steps above, the tools still need to be installed on the system. RepositoryHandler should be installed first since CVSAnalY depends on it and will try to install it if it is not there, most likely failing.
cd <home>/Git/RepositoryHandler
python setup.py build
sudo python setup.py install
cd ../CVAnalY
python setup.py build
sudo python setup.py install
.... (the steps are basically the same for the other modules, see the README for each module)
On Ubuntu 12.04, these were installed in /usr/local/bin. Note CVSAnalY installs as cvsanaly2. The supporting python infrastructure was installed in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/.
Use git to obtain a clone of the repositories.
cd <home>/Git
git clone https://github.com/VizGrimoire/VizGrimoireR.git
git clone https://github.com/VizGrimoire/VizGrimoireJS.git
git clone https://github.com/VizGrimoire/VizGrimoireUtils.git
VizgrimoireR requires that R is installed on the system as it uses that to install itself.
For Ubuntu 12.04 the following worked.
- Make sure r-base-core and r-base-dev are installed on the system, you can use apt for this.
- install the other needed cran modules:
- r-cran-boot
- r-cran-class
- r-cran-cluster
- r-cran-codetools
- r-cran-dbi
- r-cran-foreign
- r-cran-kernsmooth
- r-cran-lattice
- r-cran-mass
- r-cran-matrix
- r-cran-mgcv
- r-cran-nlme
- r-cran-nnet
- r-cran-rgl
- r-cran-rmysql
- r-cran-rpart
- r-cran-spatial
- r-cran-survival
This should work:
sudo apt-get install r-cran-boot r-cran-class r-cran-cluster r-cran-codetools r-cran-dbi
r-cran-foreign r-cran-kernsmooth r-cran-lattice r-cran-mass r-cran-matrix r-cran-mgcv
r-cran-nlme r-cran-nnet r-cran-rgl r-cran-rmysql r-cran-rpart r-cran-spatial r-cran-survival
VizgrimoireR also needs some other libraries, the easiest way to install them is to use R itself.
run the R shell. At the shell prompt, type sudo R, run it as sudo to install in the system directories. If you can't run sudo, R will install into a local directory in your home. Answer the R prompts in this case. The R prompt is >.
at the R prompt:
p<-c("ggplot2", "rjson", "optparse", "zoo", "ISOweek") install.packages(p) # quit R q()
Next install vizgrimoire:
cd <home>/Git/VizGrimoireR sudo R CMD INSTALL vizgrimoire
When vizgrimoire was installed on a laptop, there were no warnings. When installed on a VM with no display the following warnings occured.
* installing to library ‘/home/markd/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.14’
* installing *source* package ‘vizgrimoire’ ...
** R
** preparing package for lazy loading
Warning in rgl.init(initValue) : RGL: unable to open X11 display
Warning in fun(libname, pkgname) : error in rgl_init
~~~ Ages: initializator ~~~
~~~ Ages: initializator ~~~
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices ...
** testing if installed package can be loaded
Warning messages:
1: In rgl.init(initValue) : RGL: unable to open X11 display
2: In fun(libname, pkgname) : error in rgl_init
* DONE (vizgrimoire)
The warnings did not prevent vizgrimoire from installing and later it appears to work just fine.
Wow! That was a lot of work. Now we are ready to gather some metrics. Next scm metrics will be gathered.