What's Changed
- feat: legacy project import requested saga by @aciddaute in #1093
- Feat/marxan 1560 legacy project import batch failed saga by @aciddaute in #1097
- Feat/marxan 1545 command handler for running a legacy project import by @angelhigueraacid in #1075
- feat: all legacy project import pieces imported saga by @aciddaute in #1095
- feat: add legacy project import piece requested saga and scheduler by @angelhigueraacid in #1096
- feat: endpoint for starting legacy project imports by @aciddaute in #1099
- split api e2e from geoprocessing e2e tests [MARXAN-1599] by @hotzevzl in #1101
- feat : add endpoint for running a legacy project import by @angelhigueraacid in #1100
- Feat/marxan 1593 endpoint for adding files to legacy project imports by @aciddaute in #1103
- Feat/marxan 1608 allow users to remove legacy project import files by @aciddaute in #1106
- fix(front): fixed beta header by @anamontiaga in #1105
- feat: planning grid legacy piece importer by @aciddaute in #1107
- Solutions: new design by @mbarrenechea in #1109
- fix(front): solutions report feedback fixes [MARXAN-1516] by @anamontiaga in #1102
- feat: set proper errors when a job fails by @aciddaute in #1108
- Maps: useBBOX hook by @mbarrenechea in #1111
- Feat/marxan 1603 scenario planning units data legacy project import piece importer by @aciddaute in #1112
- Feat/marxan 1613 add endpoint for getting legacy project import errors and warnings by @aciddaute in #1114
- Features: not met target styles by @mbarrenechea in #1116
- MARXAN-1609-projects-sources-column by @rubvalave in #1110
- MARXAN-1611-solutions-are-locked by @rubvalave in #1117
- Marxan 1602 features legacy project importer by @angelhigueraacid in #1119
- Antimeridian and bbox calc fix by @aagm in #1115
- fix(front): info button texts + update image size format tooltip[MARXAN-1598][MARXAN-1574][MARXAN-1621] by @anamontiaga in #1113
- Feat/marxan 1622 add a piece for importing input.dat file by @angelhigueraacid in #1123
- MARXAN-1596-adds-error-handler-default-body-size by @rubvalave in #1104
- MARXAN-1610-amount_from_legacy_projects by @rubvalave in #1120
- ref: legacy piece importers error messages by @aciddaute in #1125
- Feat/marxan 1604 features specification legacy piece importer by @aciddaute in #1124
- avoid uncaught error on cifs warnings on copy in k8s [MARXAN-1628] by @hotzevzl in #1127
- fix: features specification legacy piece importer by @aciddaute in #1129
- Upgrade Azurerm TF provider to 3.9.0 by @tiagojsag in #1130
- Feat/marxan 1605 solutions legacy piece importer by @aciddaute in #1132
- Feat/marxan 1612 cancel legacy project imports by @angelhigueraacid in #1131
- analytics: add plausible events [MARXAN-1614] by @anamontiaga in #1134
- fix: add high resolution logo to solutions report + update registration text [MARXAN-1516][MARXAN-1630] by @anamontiaga in #1135
- fix: change highlight features color [MARXAN-1313] by @anamontiaga in #1137
- fix: legacy piece importers by @aciddaute in #1133
- fix solutions legacy piece importer and input-dat reader by @angelhigueraacid in #1140
- add dat file delimiter finder service and adapt legacy importers by @angelhigueraacid in #1138
- MARXAN-1643-modify-signup-to-include-bakground by @rubvalave in #1142
- MARXAN-1643-country-column-users-table by @rubvalave in #1145
- Feat/marxan 1653 remove exports and imports rows by @angelhigueraacid in #1144
- MARXAN-1580-disable-initial-export-published-projects by @rubvalave in #1128
- [MARXAN-1490] [MARXAN-1166] [MARXAN-1167] minimal seed refactor+remove postgis dependency for apidb by @hotzevzl in #1146
- use geodb for queries that need PostGIS [MARXAN-1167] by @hotzevzl in #1149
- avoid sending headers once response has been sent by @hotzevzl in #1122
- explicitly select columns we need in response [MARXAN-1665] by @hotzevzl in #1147
- MARXAN-1647-download-user-data-csv by @rubvalave in #1150
- feat(front): registration form extension + picky details [MARXAN-1394][MARXAN-1396][MARXAN-1311] by @anamontiaga in #1143
- high-level design for legacy project imports [MARXAN-1220] by @hotzevzl in #1051
- include display_name in CSVs with user data [MARXAN-1672] by @hotzevzl in #1154
- add legacy db cleanup worker and processor by @angelhigueraacid in #1139
- cascade deletion of projects to associated resources [MARXAN-250] by @angelhigueraacid in #1141
- Update postgres helm chart by @tiagojsag in #1156
- add description and solutions are locked to endpoints [MARXAN-1670] by @angelhigueraacid in #1153
- Feat/add api feature id to scenario features data by @angelhigueraacid in #1152
- fix: wrong update of exisiting scenario features data in migration by @angelhigueraacid in #1157
- fix(front): set options when change background[MARXAN-1311] by @anamontiaga in #1160
- Feature/data import improvements by @tiagojsag in #1159
- downgrade PostgreSQL to v13.x [MARXAN-1664] by @hotzevzl in #1148
- MARXAN-764-onCascade-delete-scenarios-resources by @rubvalave in #1155
- Avoid test timeout by @tiagojsag in #1162
- Simplify GH actions secrets by @tiagojsag in #1163
- forbid changes to legacy project imports [MARXAN-1612] by @angelhigueraacid in #1136
- fix(front): update banner home images[MARXAN-1387] by @anamontiaga in #1165
- Fix/marxan 1685 make description optional legacy project import by @angelhigueraacid in #1166
- MARXAN-1616-scheduled-geodata-cleanup by @rubvalave in #1164
- feat(front): upload legacy projects[MARXAN-1530] by @anamontiaga in #1151
- fix table name [MARXAN-1616] by @hotzevzl in #1171
- update puvspr.dat entries [MARXAN-946] by @angelhigueraacid in #1158
- mark as failed stuck async jobs [MARXAN-1554] by @angelhigueraacid in #1168
- fix: update puvspr.dat file typos by @angelhigueraacid in #1173
- remove feature tags [MARXAN-1679] by @hotzevzl in #1167
- fix: add fk between puvspr_calculations and projects_pu table by @angelhigueraacid in #1176
- MARXAN-1484-minimum-password-strength by @rubvalave in #1170
- MARXAN-1486-auth-endpoint-limit by @rubvalave in #1175
- feat: update scenario metadata for legacy project imports by @angelhigueraacid in #1177
- MARXAN-1684-cleanup-features-data by @rubvalave in #1179
- fix: filter features in getLegacyAndMarxanFeatures method by @angelhigueraacid in #1178
- Feat/marxan 1675 export and import puvspr calculations by @angelhigueraacid in #1161
- create features for split [MARXAN-1681] by @angelhigueraacid in #1169
- MARXAN-1484-changePassword-validation by @rubvalave in #1182
- Refactor infrastructure to use Azure Flexible SQL as server db by @tiagojsag in #1183
- Add flag to toggle production deployment by @tiagojsag in #1185
- make pg connection pooling configurable [MARXAN-1663] by @hotzevzl in #1184
- feat: add api_feature_id to split query by @angelhigueraacid in #1186
- feat: remove stratification option from SpecFromGeoFeatureWithGeoproc… by @angelhigueraacid in #1187
- Sign up: Password strength by @mbarrenechea in #1174
- MARXAN-1484-substitute-global-throttle-guard-for-specific-guard by @rubvalave in #1190
- fix: filter values in split query service by @angelhigueraacid in #1194
- feat: set planning unit grid shape on legacy projects by @angelhigueraacid in #1195
- feat: add project sources to project metadata piece exporter and impo… by @angelhigueraacid in #1191
- feat: add scenario solutions are locked to scenario metadata piece ex… by @angelhigueraacid in #1192
- feat: identify expired resources in exports table [MARXAN-1649] by @rubvalave in #1188
- libbot: remove feature tags [MARXAN-1709] by @hotzevzl in #1198
- feat(front): legacy project validations + solutions locked[MARXAN-1693] by @anamontiaga in #1189
- feat(front): split unify feature layers by @anamontiaga in #1196
- fix: emit synthetic api when finishing legacy import by @angelhigueraacid in #1201
- feat: add amount from legacy project to scenario features data piece … by @angelhigueraacid in #1193
- feat: calculate project and scenario blm values before running legacy… by @angelhigueraacid in #1200
- Features: Split by @mbarrenechea in #1172
- Tnc staging by @tiagojsag in #1204
- GEO-CLEANUP-fix-wrong-features-table-apiDB by @rubvalave in #1203
- fix: add update gap analysis views migration by @angelhigueraacid in #1205
- remove reference to features.tag column that was recently dropped [MARXAN-1698] by @hotzevzl in #1206
- Fix-features-api-cleanup-query-error by @rubvalave in #1208
- MARXAN-1308-1690-1691-1692-scenarios-lockin-lockout by @rubvalave in #1209
- Move sparkpost email templates to TF by @tiagojsag in #1210
- fix: bbox filter in getFeaturePropertySetsForFeatures function by @angelhigueraacid in #1207
- fix(front): change solutions-report pdf name[MARXAN-1426] by @anamontiaga in #1211
- Sparkpost templates fixes by @anamontiaga in #1212
- feat(front): Features Split 2 by @anamontiaga in #1202
- fix(front): add company contact email to an env var [MARXAN-1721] by @anamontiaga in #1214
- fix: split query service current_pa calculation by @angelhigueraacid in #1213
- feat(front): projects dashboard + publish projects disclaimers [MARXAN-1695][MARXAN-1724] by @anamontiaga in #1216
- add env sample by @anamontiaga in #1217
- allow prop=0 in legacy spec.dat [MARXAN-1733] by @hotzevzl in #1219
- fix(front): fix max size on data-file legacy uploads [MARXAN-1729] by @anamontiaga in #1220
- feat: copy query supports split features by @angelhigueraacid in #1215
- force and use lowercase for CLOUD* input.dat params [MARXAN-1642] by @hotzevzl in #1223
- fix(front): enable save non protected areas[MARXAN-1727] by @anamontiaga in #1218
- lower maximum default file size for uploads to 10MB [MARXAN-1732] by @hotzevzl in #1224
- Features: name tooltip by @mbarrenechea in #1225
- move amount from legacy project column [MARXAN-1728 ] by @angelhigueraacid in #1222
- feat: improve geo clean up service by @angelhigueraacid in #1226
- explicitly filter out geoprocessed features [MARXAN-1683] by @hotzevzl in #1228
- Preview splitted features on the map by @mbarrenechea in #1227
- Beta: remove by @mbarrenechea in #1230
- allow overlaps of (gis) features in feature shapefiles [MARXAN-1731] by @hotzevzl in #1221
- avoid expensive spatial intersection over features that will never be relevant to the project [MARXAN-1744] by @hotzevzl in #1229
- make search by feature name case insensitive (gap analysis, target achievements) [MARXAN-1745] by @hotzevzl in #1231
- MARXAN-1650-delete-resources by @rubvalave in #1199
- upload features button: add info button to modal by @anamontiaga in #1232
- enhancement(front): add upload shapefiles extra info [MARXAN-1512] by @anamontiaga in #1233
- enhancement(front): extra caution removing features [MARXAN-1751] by @anamontiaga in #1234
- enhancement(front): display solutions are locked on upload legacy projects [MARXAN-1754][MARXAN-1752] by @anamontiaga in #1235
- Map: reload map if accessToken changes by @mbarrenechea in #1236
- chunk db ops on planning grid insert [MARXAN-1759] by @hotzevzl in #1237
- (chore) allow legacy puvspr.dat files up to 10MB [MARXAN-1762] by @hotzevzl in #1238
- use latest ubuntu-22.04 images for gh actions runners [MARXAN-1770] by @hotzevzl in #1239
- narrow ability to accept nonsense [MARXAN-1764] by @hotzevzl in #1240
- BLM: improve formatting by @mbarrenechea in #1242
- Features: fix bug that when you search it removes the other features by @mbarrenechea in #1241
- Parameters: allow 0 as default value by @mbarrenechea in #1243
- Fix/api/marxan 1780+marxan 1784 fixes for legacy imports by @hotzevzl in #1244
- chunk saving in piece importers + raise size limits for Marxan Cloud archives for project imports by @hotzevzl in #1245
- let cleanup for failed project imports fail, if needs be [MARXAN-1791] by @hotzevzl in #1246
Full Changelog: v1.2.22.3...v1.2.30.0