This project created for automatically configuration your OS after fresh installation. "Configure" means installation and preparation developer and game environments. So you can create issue to give me more ideas of what would you want to be done in this project. For example, I did not consider graphical designer environment yet.
It is agnostic to OSes such as Debian, Ubuntu and Windows
Ansible on host machine is required
- To run it on your local machine:
ansible-playbook --connection=local --inventory=inventories/default.yml --vault-password-file=~/ansible_vault_password_file configure_os.yml
required if you consider to use ssh_keys.yml task
- To run it on a remote machine please follow the Ansible documentation
Simply inside the configure_os role execute
molecule --base-config=molecule/shared/base_molecule.yml --env-file=molecule/.env.yml test --all
- To list what OSes currently supported execute
molecule list
- To test concrete OS instead of
...test --all
use...test --scenario-name=<os_name>
Follow the Dockerfile inside .gitlab. Here you can see what requirements should be achieved on your system. Inside .gitlab/ci folder you can see main steps of how to run the project. It is more convenient to check pipeline definition instead of README because README doesn't have any dependencies to update it by self as code.